GROOF - Greenhouses To Reduce CO2 on Roofs

Project Summary

GROOF is launching a new call for projects and offers one year of coaching to pioneers located in UK, Ireland, The Netherlands and Germany.

All info 
HERE on the COACHING tab.

The GROOF (Greenhouses to reduce CO2 on Roofs) project is an innovative cross-sectoral approach to reduce CO2 emissions in the construction and agriculture sectors by combining energy sharing and local food production.

The idea is to use rooftop greenhouses as a tool to:

  • Recover actively (use of the ventilation system) and passively (insulation effect) the heat produced and otherwise lost by the support building in a horticultural production installed in a rooftop greenhouse,

  • Collect the CO2 produced by human activity and the activities of the support building to feed the plants,

Practically, the project facilitates the emergence of this type of greenhouse on the market by demonstrating and disseminating good practices to actors in the building and agricultural sectors that are favourable to the development of profitable and functional economic and social models.

The project specifically aims to:

  • Identify and reduce market access barriers (urban planning rules, technical regulations, insurance, etc.): GROOF teams studied the practices in different NWE countries as long as the local regulations. The interview of several pioneers such as BIGH (Belgium), Urban Farmers (The Netherlands), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain) and others provided valuable information that will be used to produce guidelines for early adopters struggling with the implementation of CO2-cutting rooftop greenhouses.

  • Support the first users in the implementation of their project: 10 early adopters have been selected through an open call and are currently coached by GROOF experts. The success of those 10 different profiles will demonstrate the relevance of several business models involving rooftop greenhouses and is expected to inspire others. You can discover the early adopters here.

  • Experiment and demonstrate the effectiveness of the technology for a representative number of business and social models: GROOF is investing in four pilot projects, designed to prove the effectiveness and sustainability of models related to different types of buildings. They are located in France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany. You can discover them here.

The results of each activity will be openly shared on our international community on the online platform Construction21 where regional and national public authorities, SMEs and large enterprises, research centres and general public are invited to interact. 

This community also host a mapping of existing and planned rooftop greenhouse projects in the world. Each project leader is invited to fill in the information of his or her project in order to share it with the world and benefit from the community’s feedback.

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