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US (PA): Container Farm Enters Into Two-Year Renewable Energy Agreement

GetBlok Farms© has entered into a two-year renewable energy agreement with ENGIE Resources LLC, a subsidiary of ENGIE North America. This renewable energy purchase includes Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) from the Priddy Wind Project GetBlok Farms will receive RECs to match the forecasted consumption for its hydroponics farm in West Aliquippa, PA.

"Sustainability drives the core of our operations," said Vinnie Lima, Managing Member at GetBlok Farms. "Our approach for hyper-local and highly sustainable farming methods must address the energy consumption in hydroponic farms. As a core piece of our sustainability commitment, we are delighted to leverage wind-generated Green-e power from the Priddy Wind Project designed, developed, and operated by ENGIE."

The Green-e-certified RECs in this agreement are determined by the Center for Resource Solutions to be independently verified to represent the environmental benefits of one MWh of renewable energy. Over the term of this agreement, the RECs will equal 100% of GetBlok Farms demand and avoid the equivalent CO2 emissions from 343,730 pounds of coal burned, or the greenhouse gas emissions avoided by 106 tons of waste recycled instead of landfilled.

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For more information:
GetBlok Farms