Morgan Hill Unified School District (MHUSD) is embracing technology at its schools to provide students with astoundingly fresh meals. Championing this initiative is Michael Jochner, MHUSD's Nutrition Director.

Jochner first encountered Freight Farms when he was a Bon Appetit Executive Chef at Google, which has an early Freight Farm model, the Leafy Green Machine, on its corporate campus. When he moved to MHUSD, he saw the potential of hydroponic farms at schools. He convinced the school district to purchase one container farm in October 2021, seeing it as proof positive that schools could operate their own hydroponic farm and funnel the produce into the school nutrition program. One year later, the project has so much support from the school district that they purchased a second Greenery S farm.

"Our Freight Farm is innovation in action! We envision a powerful and environmentally friendly path forward that accelerates our district's respect for the environment while at the same time providing delicious and nutritious meals for our students. It's a true win-win and a model of sorts for others to emulate," said Dr. Carmen Garcia, MHUSD Superintendent

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The Future of Farming: Can We Feed The World Without Destroying It?


VIDEO: The Green Bronx Machine, Film by Food Inspiration