April Indoor Science Cafe - Tuesday April 14th 12:00 PM EDT Photons = Flavor The Case Study of Basil

April Indoor Science Cafe
If you already signed up -- Thank you!

Tuesday, April 14th, 12:00 PM EDT

Photons = Flavor
The case study of basil

Presented by
Dr. Roberto Lopez & Kellie Walters (Michigan State University)

  • Please sign up so that you will receive Zoom link info.

  • Indoor Ag Science Cafe is an open discussion forum, organized by Chieri Kubota (OSU), Erik Runkle (MSU), and Cary Mitchell (Purdue U.) supported by USDA SCRI grants.

Sign up for April 14th Cafe

Cafe Q&A Forum

Please visit the Indoor Ag Science Cafe Q&A Forum at Public Good Ag website. OptimIA team is collaborating with Penny McBride to develop an information-sharing site with a lively discussion platform for indoor farmers and scientists. 

Submit Your Questions for 'Indoor Ag Sci Queries'!

Please submit your questions (anonymously if you wish) about the sciences and technologies of indoor farming to this submission site.  Any questions are welcome! The site is always open for your questions. Selected questions will be discussed in our future Indoor Ag Science Queries series.

Previous café recordings are available on this YouTube channel and OptimIA project website.
Please contact for more info: kubota.10@osu.edu

Upcoming Cafes:

  • April 14th, 12 PM EST [Dr. Roberto Lopez and Kellie Walters, Michigan State University]

  • May 26th, 11 AM EST [Nicola Kerslake, Contain Inc.]

Interested in giving a talk to share your thoughts and experiences? Please contact us!

Related Events:

  • July 10, 2020 - Plant Empowerment Workshop - Advanced learning to optimize crop production (Columbus, OH) [More Information]

  • July 11-14, 2020 - Cultivate '20 (Columbus, OH) [More information]

  • July 29, 2020 - OptimIA Annual Stakeholder Meeting (East Lansing, MI) [more information TBA]

  • September 13-17, 2020 - NCERA-101 Committee on Controlled Environment Technology and Use Annual & International Meeting (Tucson, AZ) [More Information]

  • May 31-June 4, 2021 - ISHS International Symposium on Light in Horticulture (Malmo, Sweden) [More Information]


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