Bring Back South Central Farm

Bring Back South Central Farm

South Central Farm Restoration Committee Los Angeles, CA

Once the largest urban farm in the United States, spanning 14 acres and feeding 350 families in the midst of an industrial and residential landscape, the South Central Farm was an oasis flourishing from 1992 - 2006.

Our Mission:
Farmers and supporters have formed the South Central Farm Restoration Committee with the intention to #BuyBackTheFarm. Our goal is to secure the farm and protect one of the last and largest remaining undeveloped parcels of land in LA County. With a land trust in place the farm would be a permanent jewel for the city of LA’s sustainability and green endeavors.

Current Landowner:
Today the land is owned by the PIMA Alameda Partners, LLC, a clothing conglomerate (PoetryImpact Mfg.Miss MeActive Basic USA) – with plans to develop the parcel into a retail manufacturing and warehouse facility. With literally hundreds of comparable sites in the LA metro area to choose from, selling the parcel back to the South Central Community will allow for PIMA to be part of the solution for a greener Los Angeles.

The South Central Farm is securing pledges with partners who are ready to step up with funding if PIMA becomes a willing seller.

How to Help: 
In addition to signing the petition, join the conversation online through following @BringBackSCFarm on FacebookInstagram and Twitter. You may also send a Letter of Support to the to the City Council. In the coming weeks we will share community events and powerful opportunities to lend your valuable support. You can email the campaign directly:

The South Central Farmers have continued their mission and currently sell organic produce at 10 Farmers Markets throughout Los Angeles, as well as drop-off CSA boxes in over 15 locations (which we encourage you to visit).

Widespread Support:
Response to the initial phase of the campaign has been strong with widespread support from respected leaders and celebrity advocates like: Daryl Hannah, Scottie Thompson, Shailene Woodley, Nicole Richie, Ian Somerhalder, Van Jones, Moby, and others.

Restoring the farm to it's original location will help grow community involvement and cultural celebration through its programs and park facilities. It will provide more oxygen and less pollution as well as lower greenhouse gasses in one of the dirtiest air corridors in all of Los Angeles, and it will grow the idea in people’s hearts and minds that if you work hard enough for something it will bloom.

This petition will be delivered to:

  • Miss Me (Sweet People Apparel Inc.)
    Young Cho

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