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VIDEO: Head To Our Website To Check Out Kate's Chat With Food Safety Certifier Juli Ogden

In this video, Aquaponics Association Senior Adviser Kate Wildrick and Food Safety Trainer Juli Ogden discuss food safety on the farm, and Juli’s upcoming pre-conference seminar “GLOBAL G.A.P. Made Simple”

In this video, Aquaponics Association Senior Adviser Kate Wildrick and Food Safety Trainer Juli Ogden discuss food safety on the farm, and Juli’s upcoming pre-conference seminar “GLOBAL G.A.P. Made Simple”.

GLOBAL G.A.P. is a food safety certification that applies to all farming and works great for aquaponics. Farms that sell produce to retailers need food safety certification.

Please Click Here to: Watch Food Safety Chat

It’s great to hear Juli’s inspirational message about aquaponic farmers overcoming their food safety hurdles without the headaches! Check out the video, above. And if you plan on coming to the Putting Out Fruits Conference, consider the food safety certification seminar:

Grow Your Farm: Global G.A.P. Pre Conference Event Kate and Juli discuss food safety on the farm and Juli's upcoming pre-conference seminar “GLOBAL G.A.P. Made Simple”. GLOBAL G.A.P. is a food safety certification that applies to all farming and works great for aquaponics. Farms that sell produce to retailers need food safety certification.

It’s great to hear Juli’s inspirational message about aquaponic farmers overcoming their food safety hurdles without the headaches!

Seeya soon!

Brian Filipowich, Chairman

Aquaponics Association

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GAP, Aquaponics, Food Safety, Lettuce IGrow PreOwned GAP, Aquaponics, Food Safety, Lettuce IGrow PreOwned

CanadaGAP To Phase Out Aquaponics Certification

CanadaGAP will begin phasing out certification for aquaponics operations in 2020, citing "potential chemical hazards (antibiotics, for example) associated with aquaponic production" and possible uptake of contaminants through leafy greens

Photo: josefkubes Adobe Stock

July 25, 2019

Chris Manning 

According to a press release, CanadaGAP will begin phasing out certification for aquaponics operations in 2020, citing "potential chemical hazards (antibiotics, for example) associated with aquaponic production" and possible uptake of contaminants through leafy greens.

The government organization will stop GAP certifying businesses on April 1, 2020 and begin revoking certifications from businesses in 2020.

The organization says it uses a generic HACCP model establish food safety requirements. According to CanadaGAP, using that model means more research is needed before aquaponics can be GAP certified again.

GAP stands for "good agricultural practices," and means that growers are sticking to certain practices designed to ensure food safety for consumers. The definition of GAP varies from country to country.

The Aquaponics Association, an advocacy group based in Washington D.C., said in a statement that CanadaGAP's decision was "based on faulty and/or incomplete information," and says it is working with experts to provide the research to combat what it deems as false statements. 

In the United States, the USDA established pilot program for GAP certification in aquaponics that runs through Dec. 31, 2019. At this time, it is unclear if the program will continue into 2020.

Tags: GAP Aquaponics Tomato Leafy greens Lettuce Food safety

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