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Polygreens Podcast Episode: 008 -CO2 GRO

CO2 from a gas tank and water from the facility source are plugged into the Aqueous CO2 Infusion System, which comes as an in-situ system or can be integrated into booms

CO2 from a gas tank and water from the facility source are plugged into the Aqueous CO2 Infusion System, which comes as an in-situ system or can be integrated into booms. The CO2 completely dissolves in the water creating a saturated aqueous CO2 solution. 

The aqueous CO2 solution is targeted directly on to the plant's leaves by misting micro droplets that create an aqueous CO2 film on leaf's surface. This film isolates the leaf surface from the atmosphere and creates a diffusion gradient that favors the transport of CO2 into the leaf and other gasses out of the leaf. 

The carbon is used by the plant for photosynthesis to grow and the oxygen is given off to the atmosphere. 


Nick Greens

The Nick Greens Grow Team has participated in many changes since they started developing indoor controlled agricultural environments in 2010. Our goal is to expand the vertical farming industry by helping ag-entrepreneurs manage their businesses better, avoid common mistakes, and improve crop yields based on what we have observed and developed over the past decade.


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Food Security, California Wildfires IGrow PreOwned Food Security, California Wildfires IGrow PreOwned

California Wildfires And Food Security

The smoke from these fires are wreaking havoc to nearby farms, especially outdoor farms. The article lists the following negative impacts from poor quality, smoke-filled air



As wildfires ravage through the State of California, we at CO2 GRO offer our deepest sympathies to those who have been greatly affected. 

According to this article by Growing Produce, “On the whole, the fires have not invaded growing fields. However, several growing areas lie close to the fires.” Hopefully, the fires can be controlled and farms spared.

However, the smoke from these fires are wreaking havoc to nearby farms, especially outdoor farms. The article lists the following negative impacts from poor quality, smoke-filled air:

  • With less sunlight reaching crops, crops develop more slowly.

  • Less sunlight can lead to higher disease loads. Obviously, when ash coats the leaves and fruit, crops have even less access to light.

  • Protecting workers delays harvest, leading to destroying overly ripe crops.

  • Some crops absorb enough smoke to change the flavor. During the 2018 fire season, several vineyards were unable to sell their grapes.

Protected Cultivation

While most outdoor growers will experience the negative impacts of smoke, protected cultivation facilities such as greenhouses have the ability to cope. LED lighting, frequent air exchange, protected structures and more environmental control enable greenhouses to provide their plants a more consistent environment for growth, despite the conditions outside. Protected structures also offer a safer environment for workers.

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CO2 Gas Supply

CO2 gas supply shortages in California as a result of COVID-19 and now with fires causing several disruptions in the supply chain have hampered sealed greenhouses and indoor cultivation facilities. Supply has significantly slowed and prices have risen. Several cultivation facilities have temporarily stopped using CO2 gas for growing, thus hampering crop yields by up to 30%.

CO2 Delivery Solutions™

CO2 Delivery Solutions™ offers greenhouse and indoor growers the opportunity to supplement their plants with CO2 while using over 90% less gas versus traditional atmospheric enrichment. In difficult times like this being experienced in California, ensuring our food supply with the highest yields possible is paramount. Greenhouses and indoor cultivation facilities with optimal yield enhancing technologies that require minimal resources, such as CO2 Delivery Solutions™, provide food supply security to consumers while protecting growers’ people and profits.

CO2 Delivery Solutions™ also provides a method for sequestering CO2 gas by providing it as an input for plants to grow. Nearly all the CO2 provided to the plants through CO2 Delivery Solutions™ aqueous CO2 mist is sequestered by the plant. Unlike CO2 gassing in which approximately half the CO2 gas that is pumped into the grow room leaks back into the atmosphere. 

For more information on CO2 Delivery Solutions™, watch this video and explore our website.

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