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IGS Signs Significant Export Deal With Jungle To Supply French Retail Market

The first growth towers will be in production by early 2021, scaling incrementally to a minimum of 17 towers by the end of 2021

Scottish Technology to Create One of

Europe’s Largest Vertical Farms 

Edinburgh, Scotland – 17 September 2020 - Indoor agritech specialist IGS has today announced a significant export deal with experienced French urban agriculturalists, Jungle. The multi-million-pound deal will introduce IGS indoor growing platforms to Jungle’s operations, initially outside Paris, to grow a variety of crops to supply major French retailers.

The first growth towers will be in production by early 2021, scaling incrementally to a minimum of 17 towers by the end of 2021. Jungle will grow a range of herbs and salads to supply select retailers across France. The company will utilize the patented IGS plug-and-play vertical farming platform to widen its portfolio and produce new varieties through an ongoing program of crop trials.

Jungle’s indoor growing operations will also develop a variety of botanicals to provide natural ingredients to a world-leading flavor and fragrance business.

Jungle’s ethos is focused on sustainable food production, with superior quality of crops grown through a more efficient model, re-localizing the supply chain, considerably reducing waste and using no chemicals. With extensive experience in the indoor growing space, the company has achieved recognition in the highly competitive retail market in France for the quality of its produce.

To increase the scale of production sustainably, while maintaining its commitment to high-quality, delicious, and pesticide-free produce, the company conducted an extensive search to identify the best technology partner.

After a thorough and competitive review of the market, IGS was selected as the most economically viable and environmentally friendly system capable of meeting Jungle’s requirements to reach the industrial scale required by its customers. IGS offers its customers a highly controllable platform, designed to maximize productivity whilst minimizing energy and water consumption.

When completed, the nine-meter-high growth towers will be housed alongside a 1,500 m2 service area on Jungle’s site outside Paris. This will provide approximately 5,200 m2 of growing space, producing up to 425 tonnes per annum when fully operational, making it one of the largest vertical farms in Europe.

IGS CEO, David Farquhar, commented: “In recent months, global markets have been challenged considerably and export agreements have become more difficult to fulfill. The announcement of this deal is an exciting one not just for IGS, but also for the UK’s Agri-tech sector as we showcase our international capability to support economic recovery post-coronavirus. The Jungle team has a strong reputation for excellence and sustainability both of its produce and approach.

“Jungle needs a reliable, productized system that can meet its ambitious growth plans in France and beyond and IGS has proven to be exactly that, following a rigorous selection process. This deal is proof that our unwavering commitment to innovative, practical design, based on a deep understanding of delivering optimum growing conditions, is what customers want. The deployment of the system for Jungle begins immediately and I am encouraged by how well our teams are collaborating as we move forward together.”

Gilles Dreyfus, CEO of Jungle commented: “This partnership agreement is a significant step forward for Jungle and our ability to deliver at scale for our customers. We have established Jungle as a grower of superior produce with major French retailers and have plans to build on this reputation as we look at operations in other regions. We are proud to be innovators in our sector and it is important that we find people and organizations that share this same vision.

“We undertook a very serious assessment of the market and IGS was a clear leader in our eyes. What we can offer our customers through the partnership with IGS puts us at a different level in terms of scale, flexibility, and potential to expand and develop our produce portfolio. The IGS approach, both with the technology and the team, is such that we feel completely aligned and able to work collaboratively now and into the future.”

IGS has received recognition from the Scottish Government for the exciting export opportunities it is bringing to the Scottish market. Trade Minister Ivan McKee MSP said: “This significant contract underlines IGS’ standing as a global leader in agricultural innovation which will help everyone farm more sustainably. IGS’ growth has been driven by a focus on quality, innovation and scientific expertise and shows what Scottish companies can achieve with the right support in place.

“International exports have a central role to play in our economic recovery from COVID-19. The Scottish Government has set an ambitious target of increasing the value of exports from 20 percent to 25 percent of GDP by the end of the decade and I look forward to IGS helping us achieve that goal.”

In addition, Scottish Enterprise which has worked closely with IGS since 2018, welcomes this strategic export announcement. Neil Francis, International Trade Director at Scottish Enterprise, said: “We congratulate IGS on securing this export deal, which will ensure the company’s innovative technology is delivered to a global marketplace.

“Scottish Enterprise has worked closely with IGS over the past couple of years, both through our investment arm, the Scottish Investment Bank, and Scottish Development International.  We look forward to continuing support IGS as it demonstrates its capabilities in the agritech sector.     

“International trade will be key to Scotland’s economic recovery and help deliver the future, sustainable growth we all want to see.  Working with our partners, Scottish Enterprise will continue to do all we can to support companies access overseas markets.


 Notes to editors:

For more information: please contact Kate Forster, IGS on kate@intelligentgrowthsolutions.com or call +44 7787 534 999 or Gilles Dreyfus, Jungle on gdreyfus@jungle.bio.

About IGS:

Founded in 2013, IGS brought together decades of farming and engineering experience to create an agritech business with a vision to revolutionize the indoor growing market. Its commitment to innovation has continued apace and it has evolved the applications of its technology beyond agriculture to create solutions for a wide variety of indoor environments which enhance life for plants and people alike.

IGS launched its first vertical farming demonstration facility in August 2018.

For more information visit www.intelligentgrowthsolutions.com or connect with us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

About Jungle:

Jungle originated in Portugal in 2016 and maintains a Research and Development facility in Lisbon. It identified strong demand from the retail market in France and opened operations there in 2019. Further European operations are under consideration as the demand for healthy, sustainable and locally-sourced produce increases.

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Vertical Farm, Vertical Farming IGrow PreOwned Vertical Farm, Vertical Farming IGrow PreOwned

CANADA: Bringing Local Greens To Ontario Year Round

The state-of-the-art farm is fully automated and equipped to grow microgreens and baby greens 365 days a year, without the use of pesticides, herbicides or fungicides and with dramatically less water consumption


GoodLeaf Farms 

Sep 15, 2020

Vertical Farm In Guelph Is Now Fully Operational

GUELPH, ON, Sept. 15, 2020,/CNW/ - The revolutionary GoodLeaf Farms' 4,000-square-metre indoor vertical farm is now fully operational.

The state-of-the-art farm is fully automated and equipped to grow microgreens and baby greens 365 days a year, without the use of pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides and with dramatically less water consumption. The result is a safer, more nutrient-dense, and sustainably grown food source, providing a domestic alternative in a produce aisle highly dominated by imports from the southern United States or Mexico.

"Knowing where their food comes from is important to Canadians," says Jacquie Needham, Accounts Manager for GoodLeaf Farms. "Our growing system mimics the spring sun without the use of chemicals, releasing farming from the restrictions of the changing seasons. We can grow local, fresh, nutritious, and healthy leafy greens for the Ontario produce market all year long — we do it safely."

Vertical farming is an innovative growing process that naturally grows plants with hydroponics under specialized LEDs that concentrates the waves from the light spectrum that plants need to maximize photosynthesis. This method of farming is cost-effective, uniquely suited for Canadian climate, and scalable. GoodLeaf Farms is a leader in food safety. Every crop is tested for contaminants before it is shipped, ensuring it is safe for consumers.

GoodLeaf Farms is also sustainable. It uses 95 percent less water than a traditional farm, has no run-off issues or potential contamination of nearby water sources, it is local which eliminates thousands of kilometers of transportation from the supply chain and more food can be grown per acre, reducing land-use pressures.

GoodLeaf currently has four microgreens and two baby greens available in Ontario:

  • Spicy Mustard Medley — Blend of Asian greens create a spicy touch reminiscent of Wasabi or Dijon Mustard. It makes for a perfect peppery finish.

  • Pea Shoots — Sweet and crisp with a subtle pea flavour, they add a fresh bite to salads, seafood, and summer rolls.

  • Micro Asian Blend — Mild peppery flavour with a hint of mustard, this makes a great addition to stir fry, soups, or as a crunchy culinary adventure to any dish.

  • Micro Arugula — Intense spicy flavour that is both peppery and nutty. Use this to elevate the look and flavour of any meat or seafood dish, as an addition to your salad or to garnish your sandwich.

  • Baby Kale — Earthy and nutty, it is a calcium-rich dark green to add a nutritional punch to any salad.

  • Baby Arugula — Excite your taste buds by adding this spicy and peppery green to your salad or as a topping for sandwiches or burgers.

"The pandemic has underscored how important it is to have access to local food sources – food that we know is safe, grown responsibly, and immune to border closures," says Ms. Needham. "Compared to a green that was grown thousands of miles away, packed onto a hot truck and shipped across the continent, our process is far superior. Local food is simply better — better for you, better for the environment and better for our economy."

Follow GoodLeaf Farms on Instagram at @goodleaffarms and like it on Facebook at /GoodLeafFarms.

About GoodLeaf Farms:

With a passion for delicious, nutrient-rich greens, GoodLeaf was founded in Halifax in 2011. Using an innovative technology and leveraging multi-level vertical farming, GoodLeaf has created a controlled and efficient indoor farm that can grow fresh produce anywhere in the world, 365 days of the year. The system combines innovations in LED lighting with leading-edge hydroponic techniques to produce sustainable, safe, pesticide-free, nutrient-dense leafy greens. GoodLeaf has ongoing R&D Programs in collaboration with the University of Guelph, Dalhousie University, and Acadia University.

Learn more at goodleaffarms.com.

SOURCE GoodLeaf Farms

For further information: Jacquie Needham, Accounts Manager at GoodLeaf Farms, jneedham@goodleaffarms.com, 416-579-6117

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Urban Agriculture, Vertical Farms IGrow PreOwned Urban Agriculture, Vertical Farms IGrow PreOwned

Could Urban Agriculture Feed The Cities of The Future?

Vertical farms, rooftop farms and computer-controlled growing environments are an emergent phenomenon in cities around the world, which are eager to take advantage of the many benefits of urban agriculture

03 Sep 2020

By Agency

Vertical farms, rooftop farms, and computer-controlled growing environments are an emergent phenomenon in cities around the world, which are eager to take advantage of the many benefits of urban agriculture.

Drawing on new technologies and enthusiasm for locally sourced organic produce, these promising initiatives have raised hopes for greater sustainability that will reduce the environmental impact of cities and agricultural production required to meet the needs of their citizens.

However, the question remains: will urban farms be able to produce enough food to make cities self-sufficient?

The vast majority of fruit and vegetables sold in cities are picked before they are ripe, and are produced using intensive farming methods, which do extensive damage to the environment.

In contrast, urban agriculture offers the hope that we will one day be able to meet the global challenge of feeding cities in a much more sustainable manner. At the same time, it also provides a solution to the need for high-quality and locally sourced fresh food.

Recent successes in the field speak for themselves, notably the US$4mil (RM16.6mil) in funding raised by IFarm, which provides software and technology to the vertical farming sector.

The Helsinki-based company manages heavily automated indoor farms in which produce is grown in vertically stacked beds with a host of technologies that include a wide range of sensors, computer vision, and machine learning.

It currently has some 50 farms that are in development and is hoping to manage one million square meters of vertical farms and provide support for 500 different crops by 2026.

Is food self-sufficiency within reach?

It could be, notably with regard to vertical farms and certain crops. A recent publication in the interdisciplinary scientific journal PNAS has drawn attention to the potential of vertical farming to generate enormous yields of wheat.

Researchers have calculated, on the basis of theoretical values for the growth of wheat under optimal conditions, that a 10-story building on a one-hectare site could provide up to 1,940 tonnes of wheat per year, 600 times more than the average yield from traditional agriculture.

One of the reasons for this is because vertical farming provides conditions that would allow for five harvests per year instead of one. With the added advantages of doing away with the need for herbicides and pesticides, low water use, and land depletion, vertical farms may well fulfill their promise.

Questions remain about the viability of projects

However, as it stands, urban farms are very expensive to set up, and only a very few are actually profitable. Taking advantage of their situation in cities, most of those that are now operating are sustained by revenue from sources other than food production: notably income generated by cultural events, workshops, and renting plots to private individuals. – AFP Relaxnews

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Lead photo: Urban agriculture is increasingly common in cities. This picture shows one of six farms created by the New York City Housing Authority in Brooklyn, New York. Photo: Leticia Barboza/AFP

TAGS / KEYWORDS: Urban Farming , Food Security , Vertical Farming , Rooftop Farms

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Vertical Greenhouse IGrow PreOwned Vertical Greenhouse IGrow PreOwned

Future of Farming: Vertical Harvest Announces Plans For New Location In Westbrook, Maine

Maine’s first vertical farm, Vertical Harvest, is dedicated to jobs serving the underemployed population and enhancing community access to exceptional farm-fresh foods year-round using less land, water, and fuel

Maine’s first vertical farm, Vertical Harvest, is dedicated to jobs serving the underemployed population and enhancing community access to exceptional farm-fresh foods year-round using less land, water, and fuel

Westbrook, Maine (July 28, 2020) – Born from the creative minds of a group of women in Jackson Hole, Vertical Harvest became the first vertical greenhouse in the United States. In the last four years, Vertical Harvest has perfected the urban farm model and will bring their second location to Westbrook, Maine. The project will start construction in 2021 in partnership with the City of Westbrook.

Vertical farming is a growing industry that uses environmentally sound practices to produce nutrient-dense food grown locally year-round, and yields more crops per-square-foot than traditional farming. Vertical Harvest has a company mission to grow both food and futures. The company pairs innovative growing technologies of vertical farming with jobs for the underemployed population in what has been proven in Jackson to be a successful model for uplifting local economies, providing fresh nutritious produce to schools, hospitals, restaurants, markets, and consumers, and embodies a commitment to civic participation, health, and the environment.

Co-founder Nona Yehia stated, “We have felt a kinship with Maine for quite some time. At our beginning stages 10 years ago, Vertical Harvest Jackson engaged the same engineer as Backyard Farms in Madison, Maine. Wyoming and Maine have more in common than just a four-to-five month grow season and drastic seasonal climates – they have polar rural and urban areas, there is deep-rooted respect for the environment, the farming and food communities are a source of pride, and there is a sense of responsibility to serve the job and food insecure population. With our second location for Vertical Harvest, we feel honored to become a part of this special state and Westbrook community.”

Pictured: Co-founders Nona Yehia (right) and Caroline Estay (left)

Vertical Harvest will generally not compete with local Maine growers. Instead, the farm lowers the need for out-of-state produce imports into Maine (representing over 90 percent of the State’s consumption), and the out-of-state jobs these imports benefit, thereby helping to strengthen the overall business base of Maine’s economy. Vertical Harvest will also support local businesses for its growing supplies, increase food security, and be part of the solution to fulfill objectives for the Maine State Economic Plan focusing on talent and innovation. In addition, Vertical Harvest will strengthen the Maine businesses it will serve by providing a stable, consistent source of produce, year-round at competitive prices.

Co-founder Caroline Estay said, “At Vertical Harvest, we have reimagined the food systems and the jobs they create to make them more nourishing, resilient, and sustainable. Maine has an impressive history of changemakers in the food and farming industry and inspiring culinary thought leaders – we are excited to bring Vertical Harvest to Westbrook and work alongside valued community members in these industries and beyond.”

The company anticipates bringing 50 full-time equivalent jobs to Westbrook, in addition to currently working with Portland-based architect and engineering firm, Harriman (in partnership with GYDE Architects in Jackson, WY where Nona Yehia is partner/co-founder).

City of Westbrook Mayor Michael Foley stated, “This exceptional mixed-use project, anchored by Vertical Harvest’s four-story greenhouse, will provide significant private commercial investment and job creation, expanded residential presence and expansion of free public parking to support growth and development of other businesses in our downtown. We are excited about the partnership and welcome Vertical Harvest to the City of Westbrook. “

Pictured: New employees get an orientation tour at Vertical Harvest Jackson Hole (L); two employees harvest produce in the greenhouse (R).

The 70,000 square-foot Vertical Harvest Westbrook located on Mechanic Street will initially grow a variety of microgreens and lettuces. It’s estimated this vertical farm will produce a million pounds of produce per year. In addition to wholesale partnerships with hospitals, corporate cafeterias, schools, chefs, restaurants, caterers and more, the Westbrook location will also have a consumer marketplace and plans for a presence at farmer’s markets.

Pictured L to R: Varieties of microgreens and lettuces grow in the Vertical Harvest flagship, Jackson Hole. Microgreen Kale (middle) is packaged for consumers.

For more information please follow @verticalharvest on Instagram, Facebook, and visit www.verticalharvestjackson.com


About Vertical Harvest:

Vertical Harvest is a vertical farm that provides consistent, meaningful employment for people with intellectual and physical disabilities by cultivating nutritious food for the community. The Vertical Harvest company's impact is much larger, joining private investment, public resources, and philanthropy as a model to create positive economic and social impact for communities. Vertical Harvest’s focus is to create partnerships to build cost-effective, profitable hydroponic farms that will not only act as innovative urban models for growing fresh food but will have a substantial social impact. The first of these is a state-of-the-art, three-story hydroponic farm in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

The second location will be in Westbrook, Maine. In 2020, a documentary on Vertical Harvest was released on PBS called Hearts of Glass: https://www.heartsofglassfilm.com/

About Vertical Farming:

Vertical farming is an industry that can work to supplement traditional agriculture by developing controlled indoor growing environments that save space, water, and energy use. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that by 2050 the human population will increase by 3 billion people demanding a 70% increase in agricultural production. Globally, over 80% of arable land is in use. At the same time, food deserts, where affordable and healthy food is difficult to obtain, are becoming more common in urban neighborhoods. Hydroponic agriculture uses a fraction of the water and energy of field agriculture.

Additional Press:

Farms that grow up—rather than spread out

Vertical Harvest seeks to grow jobs for disabled in city

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Urban Farming, Indoor Vertical Farming, CEA IGrow PreOwned Urban Farming, Indoor Vertical Farming, CEA IGrow PreOwned

US: WISCONSIN - City of Ripon Receives $190,000 State Grant To Support Redevelopment of a Vacant Grocery Store

Ripon is home to one of the largest vertical farms in the state since Ernessi Farms moved its operation to Wisconsin in 2015

WEDC Investment to Help Fund Renovation

of a Vacant Building Into An Urban Vertical Farm

By Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation 

July 22, 2020

RIPON, WI. JULY 22, 2020 – The City of Ripon is receiving a $190,000 state grant to help in the renovation of a vacant former grocery store into an indoor urban vertical farm produce operation with the potential for retail operations and a future rooftop garden.

The Community Development Investment (CDI) Grant from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) will support the expansion of Ernessi Farms urban vertical farm produce operation using the vacant space.“

A vibrant blend of businesses is vital to a community’s overall economic success, and the urban vertical farm redevelopment will serve as a catalyst for future development and investment in the Ripon community,” said Missy Hughes, secretary, and CEO of WEDC. “

I congratulate the community for working together on this important project that will serve as a foundation for future economic growth and for the collective good of the local economy.”

Ripon is home to one of the largest vertical farms in the state since Ernessi Farms moved its operation to Wisconsin in 2015. Vertical farming is revolutionizing the agricultural industry by using innovative technology to provide fresh and local produce to urban and rural areas that would otherwise have to transport large quantities of fresh produce over long distances.“

Ernessi Farms has been an excellent member of the Ripon community for many years now,” said Ripon Mayor Theodore Grant. “I am pleased to see them expanding. This new location should be a great fit for Ernessi Farms, and I am intrigued to see the future rooftop garden.” With this expansion, Ernessi Farms is expected to more than double their output of produce in the first phase, with room to expand into new products and markets in the future. This will make Ernessi Farms the largest indoor vertical farm in the state of Wisconsin.“

This WEDC grant will help the City of Ripon redevelop the old grocery store on the corner of Fond du Lac Street and Blackburn Street,” said state Sen. Luther Olsen. “The grant will provide an opportunity for a new and innovative business to become a part of the Ripon community.”

“This is a wonderful opportunity for Ernessi Farms to double their production and create new jobs in the community, as well as aid in the revitalization of downtown Ripon and Fond du Lac County,” said state Rep. Joan Ballweg. “This business is already successful, and this grant will allow for their natural growth in a developing, non-traditional area of agriculture.”

“We are honored to have been selected for this grant. Located in the heart of our downtown, this redevelopment project will create a significant benefit to Ripon’s downtown revitalization efforts and the entire community,” said Lori Rich, city administrator, and treasurer for the City of Ripon. “The project will not only improve the assessed value of the former property but more importantly will add new employment opportunities, particularly for our community’s disabled workforce. WEDC continues to be a strong partner in redevelopment efforts in Ripon, inspiring continued investment in the amenities that Ripon is proud of.”

The expansion of Ernessi Farms has the potential to make a significant impact on the community, county, and region. The project will promote Ripon’s ongoing downtown area revitalization and economic development within the community and beyond. Additionally, vertical farming often utilizes space in vacant buildings that may otherwise become problem areas for communities.“

We’re incredibly excited to move forward with our expansion in historic downtown Ripon. Once complete, we’ll be able to offer our fresh, locally grown produce year-round to an expanded delivery area covering the whole state,” said Bryan Ernst, owner of Ernessi Farms.“

Envision Greater Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac County’s economic development organization, is proud to have supported the City of Ripon’s application and its subsequent approval of a CDI Grant for a Downtown Ripon Development project,” said Jim Cleveland, vice president of economic development for Envision Greater Fond du Lac. “Ernessi Farms started as an entrepreneurial venture for the owner and has since grown into a thriving business in northeast Wisconsin. By receiving this grant, the City of Ripon will be able to support a homegrown business, as they embark on an exciting expansion that will create new jobs and investment in the city.”

Ernessi Farms sells products to local and regional grocery stores and restaurants and utilizes services from several local businesses.

WEDC’s CDI Grant Program supports community development and redevelopment efforts, primarily in downtown areas. The matching grants are awarded based on the ability of applicants to demonstrate the economic impact of the proposed project, including public and private partnership development, financial need, and use of sustainable downtown development practices.

Since the program’s inception in 2013, WEDC has awarded more than $30 million in CDI Grants to over 100 communities for projects expected to generate more than $500 million in capital investments statewide.

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The "AgrarCycle" Network is Intended to Give Vertical Agriculture a Major Boost

In vertical agriculture, vegetables and fruits are grown in multi-story buildings. This system does not require direct sunlight or arable land because the plants grow in nutrient solutions under artificial light or daylight

Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences

July 3, 2020

In October of the previous year, the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences announced that a new research center "Agricultural Systemys of the Future" would be created on the Haste campus. The expertise from the research center will also be incorporated into the ZIM network "AgrarCycle". Graphics: Hüdepohl.Ferner Architektur- und Ingenieurges.mbH

In the network for agricultural systems development, the university works closely with research and development institutions, small and medium-sized companies, and start-ups. Cooperation with partners from the IT, engineering, and agricultural sectors should result in highly innovative approaches for food production.

(Osnabrück, July 2nd, 2020) In the coming months and years, a research team from Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences wants to set up a highly innovative network of science and business under the name "AgrarCycle" in order to sustainably promote vertical agriculture in Germany. The project is being funded with more than 120,000 euros from the Innovation Program for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (ZIM) of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.

In vertical agriculture, vegetables and fruits are grown in multi-story buildings. This system does not require direct sunlight or arable land because the plants grow in nutrient solutions under artificial light or daylight. In addition to efficient use of space at height, food can be produced in an indoor vertical farm (IVF) in reliable, weather-independent quality. In addition, the use of pesticides can largely be dispensed within production in closed and controllable agricultural systems of an IVF. "This will make it possible for people in urban areas to be supplied with locally produced food in the future," says Prof. Dr. Andreas Ulbrich, professor of vegetable production and processing.

Further project partners are welcome

Food from an indoor vertical farm is still too expensive, partly because of the higher electricity consumption. With regard to an IVF, for example, the project proposal states: "Apart from additional costs, the costs of energy consumption of 7 kWh per kilogram of leaf lettuce are already over one euro." To significantly reduce production costs, there is above all a lack of innovative power electronics. With the help of the ZIM network, that should change. "With the various project partners, we want to find ways to reduce emissions and use resources more efficiently," explains Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Pfisterer, Professor of Electrical Drives and Fundamentals. "We want to meet the requirements of nutrition and health-conscious consumer groups and bring new herbal product innovations to the market",

This should succeed both with partners who support the network financially and with associated partners who ideally support the network. The time for the project seems favorable in many ways: In July of last year, the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences at the University of Göttingen published a study that concluded that every second consumer would buy products from vertical agriculture.

Additional project partners from science and industry are being sought for the "AgrarCycle" network. "The vision of the ZIM network AgrarCycle is the further development of closed and controllable agricultural systems with all components and stakeholders along the entire agri-food value chain so that they are climate-resilient, efficient, quality-oriented and economical, and energy and material cycles are optimized and closed can ”, says the project application.

Further information:

Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Pfisterer
Phone: 0541 969-3664
Email: j.pfisterer@hs-osnabrueck.de

Prof. Dr. Andreas Ulbrich
Phone: 0541 969-5116
email: a.ulbrich@hs-osnabrueck.de

Background: The ZIM network "AgrarCycle - Network for agricultural system developments to increase efficiency and climate-secure production of vegetable raw materials through energy and material cycles" is large. Regular partners are: DIL German Institute for Food Technology; ISFH - Institute for Solar Energy Research; DH Light - Professional Lighting; RAM measurement and control technology; Gefoma; Thissen Analytics; Cultinova Experior Microtech; Ingenieurbüro Mencke & Tegtmeyer; Anedo and Hagedorn Software Engineering. Associated partners are: Seedhouse - InnovationsCentrum Osnabrück; Knowledge networking Weser-Ems - bioeconomy Landkreis Osnabrück; Mählmann vegetable growing; ELEA; ELO eG; Vrielmann; K + S and TROX HGI.

By: Holger Schleper | Jasmin Schulte

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Indoor Vertical Farming, Hydroponics, CEA IGrow PreOwned Indoor Vertical Farming, Hydroponics, CEA IGrow PreOwned

VIDEO: Dubai’s Badia is GCC’s First Commercial Vertical Indoor Farm

Badia Farms in Al Quoz Industrial area in Dubai is the GCC’s first commercial vertical indoor farm that supports Dubai’s agricultural sustainability

June 26, 2020

An expert takes notes on the health of vegetables.

Gulf Today, Staff Reporter

Badia Farms in Al Quoz Industrial area in Dubai is the GCC’s first commercial vertical indoor farm that supports Dubai’s agricultural sustainability.

The large-scale high-tech vertical farm produces 3,500kg of chemical, pesticide, and herbicide-free fruits and vegetables per year.

Badia Farms said, “We have a growing reputation for supplying the finest micro-greens and herbs to Dubai’s top restaurants, caterers and chefs.”

Vertical farming is the practice of producing food vertically in stacked layers, vertically inclined surfaces, and/or integrated in other structures.

It uses a combination of indoor farming techniques and controlled-environment agriculture (CEA) technology.

Experts examine a produce.

Vertical farms can grow non-native produce in locations where traditional agricultural methods are impossible. Also, there’s no exposure to the hazards of traditional farming, such as bugs, diseases, pesticides and weather.

In some ways, it’s as simple as it sounds: a vertical farm is a multi-story greenhouse where fruit and vegetables are grown in stacked up towers. There’s obviously a lot more to it than that – and here’s where we’ll try not to blind you with science.

The techy term for it all is hydroponics, which is a technique for growing produce without soil. Seeds are planted in a sterile, soil-less growing environment and then grown in nutrient-rich water. Water is recycled, and everything from air and water temperature through to humidity and lighting are controlled to create the perfect growing environment.

Badia Farms Vertical Farming Agriculture Dubai UAE InnovationTechnology

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Indoor Vertical Farming, LED Lighting IGrow PreOwned Indoor Vertical Farming, LED Lighting IGrow PreOwned

VIDEO: June Indoor Science Cafe Recording Is Now Available!

Selecting An LED Fixture For Indoor Plant Production

Selecting An LED Fixture For Indoor Plant Production

This presentation 'Selecting an LED Fixture for Indoor Plant Production' was given by Dr. Erik Runkle (Michigan State University) during our 20th cafe forum on June 16th, 2020. Indoor Ag Science Cafe is organized by the OptimIA project team funded by the USDA SCRI grant program.

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Indoor Vertical Farming, Hydroponics IGrow PreOwned Indoor Vertical Farming, Hydroponics IGrow PreOwned

"After Summing Up All Production Costs, The Plants Cost Less Than 0.25$, Which is 2% of The Total Sum of Normal Farmers"

The growing process is fully automated, except for harvesting. “We purposely chose moveable walls, so when our containers are installed, people with disabilities can participate during projects.”

Cost-Effective Growing

We’re working with high efficiency LED lights and cooling systems, which basically are our only costs. Therefore, our produce is way cheaper than with traditional farming. ”After summing up all production costs, the plants cost less than 0.25$, which is 2% of the total sum of normal farmers”, Tony English, Founder and Visionary of FarmBox Foods says. If a grower spends 2 cents more per plant, they can deliver organic produce with FarmBox Foods growing containers. The seeding process starts in organic fiber where organic nutrients are used. Next to that you can use filtered water and cultivation without pests. But it’s all up to the grower what plants they choose.”

The seedling table

Self-Sanitizing Farm

The growing process is fully automated, except for harvesting. “We purposely chose moveable walls, so when our containers are installed, people with disabilities can participate during projects.” The company uses peat moss plugs for the seedling table, alongside an ebb and flow system. “When the plants are two inches high, they’re transferred to the grow walls. When one batch is harvested, a new one goes in immediately to maintain a constant production cycle,” English adds. These containers are maintenance-friendly and self-sanitizing. The grow towers are cleaned with ozone, a bacteria and disease killing gas. “It works better than bleach or other commonly used sanitizing agents.” When watering the plants, ozone is added into the nutrient solution, allowing the grow walls to clean themselves.

The moveable grow walls

New Designs

The system development took about a year to complete; during this time, FarmBox Foods designed a grow tube which solved all the problems that they came across during the R&D phase. The team is currently testing and researching new crops and designs. The R&D prototype has been sold and is now in use in Georgia. “We build our containers one at a time, and when we think of doing something better, we apply it. For now, we have three containers placed, but we’re looking into manufacturers around the States to speed up the production process.”

The Self-Sanitizing Farm

“We were actually going to build containers for homeless people for the major US cities, as there’s a big shortage of fresh produce, especially for those who won’t have access to them. We bought land and designed a hydro system. When they told us it would take up to 5 years before they would even look at our proposal. It would have been insane to wait for that approval. Well, we had a great hydro system thus why not move them inside a shipping container that we can provide to homeless shelters, churches, and anyone who could grow food for the people who need it the most?” The start-up supplies fully-automated containers for vegetable farming in the US.

Increasing Demand

FarmBox noticed an increasing demand as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. They now have a major hospital chain buying their farms. “We have a system suitable for schools, and at first we were donating them to schools. We are not going to do that anymore as we’re too busy with fulfilling the demand for our containers farms.”

For more information:
FarmBox Foods Tony English, CEO and Founder

Publication date: Tue 16 Jun 2020
Author: Rebekka Boekhout
© HortiDaily.com

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VeggiTech Builds and Operates Digital Smart Farms For Customers

In conversation with Hemant Julka, Chief Operating Officer, VeggiTech

By GN Focus | May 28, 2020 | Gulf News

In conversation with Hemant Julka, Chief Operating Officer, VeggiTech

Could you tell us about VeggiTech and its operations in the UAE?

VeggiTech is an agro-tech organisation focused on disrupting the agriculture industry to create sustainable and eco-friendly farms. We focus on LED-assisted hydroponics for indoor vertical farms and protected hydroponics to farm sustainably even in the UAE’s challenging conditions, where soil, temperature and water are not conducive to traditional farming. Our farming landscape has grown to over 60 acres of protected hydroponic farms and more than 45,000 sq ft of indoor vertical farms, with a team of over 150 qualified agronomists, engineers and farmers.

How could you help traditional farms in the country incorporate hydroponic farming practices?

VeggiTech’s business model is to build and operate digital smart farms for our customers. We drive the transformation of farms with these innovative technologies in a cost-effective manner. The year 2019 saw more than 35 acres of traditional farms converted into protected hydroponics and the introduction of 45,000 sq ft of indoor vertical farms in Sharjah alone.


Given our expertise, we ensure the latest innovation in farming technology is delivered with optimal return on investment for our customers.

Could you talk about a couple of key projects that you have handled recently?

Some of our recent successes were the conversion of a traditional farms (640,000 sq ft) into modern protected hydroponic farms and the commissioning of the indoor vertical farm of 25,000 sq ft grow area. Our protected hydroponics technologies provide a harvest of 40-45kg per sq m per annum, while our indoor vertical farms provide a harvest of 85-90kg per sq m per annum using less than 5 percent of the water used in traditional farming.

What initiatives have you taken to create more awareness on hydroponics and other innovative farming technologies for a sustainable agricultural ecosystem in the UAE?

Education is key for long term sustainable impact. We work closely with the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (MOCCAE). Our Chief Agronomy Officer, Bhaskar Rao, leads our Learning Hub platform that hosts the Urban Grower’s programme for students, parents and teachers. We have had more than 50 graduate participants from the programme.

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