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That Healthful Looking Green Leafy Stuff in Your Fridge May Not Be As Great For You As You Think.

That Healthful Looking Green Leafy Stuff in Your Fridge May Not Be As Great For You As You Think.

How could that be you ask? Well…Let me explain.

Firstly, a brief ecology lesson;

  • Healthy organic soil contains microorganisms* or microbes
  • These microbes work to break down plant matter in the soil
  • This breakdown of vegetation creates humate deposits in the soil
  • Humate deposits are rich in the amazing fulvic acid and humic acids (also known as minerals)

Tiny Farm

*Soil microorganisms can be classified as bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi, algae and protozoa. Each of these groups has characteristics that define them and their functions in soil.

So, how does this relate to my lettuce?

Right now, less than 4% of the soil in North America is certified organic farmland, and worldwide chemically based farming practices are continually polluting the soil.

This means the valuable microbes are being killed off by things like herbicides and pesticides, fertilizers, ultimately leading to mineral depletion. Without these precious microbes even re-mineralizing the soil is futile, as the humates and fulvic acid are still missing.

Ok, on to that lettuce finally! Chances are it was grown in an environment that was lacking microbes, and thus the creation of humates and fulvic minerals are almost nil to very low. As a result, the lettuce is lacking in minerals even though it may look lush and green.

I get it, sick soil = means my lettuce is lacking

But what effect does this have on my health? And what’s this fulvic acid stuff you keep talking about?

Patience please, your answers are on the way in our next couple emails while your waiting you can watch today's message from our founder HERE.

Let's make tiny farming not so tiny!