The Multiple Benefits of Aqua4D

The Multiple Benefits of Aqua4D

Month by month, year by year, Aqua-4D Water Solutions has achieved consistently impressive results across the globe, enabling farmers to increase yields and profits while overcoming poor soil and water conditions.

Almonds and vegetables in California. Tomatoes in Italy, Spain, and Tunisia. Grapes in Ethiopia. Olives in India. Melons and other fruits in Brazil. According to the company growers of any kind, who invested in Aqua-4D Water Solutions, register better yields in an environmentally friendly, chemical-free and sustainable fashion. "Better yet, the benefits continue to accrue as long as the system is in continuous operation. Salts and other harmful elements are leached from the soil, nematodes are repelled from root zones, and reductions in water and fertilizer usage become permanent."

In most situations, the ROI – a key metric for savvy agribusiness operators – can be realized in two years or less. It is one of the primary reasons why growers in more than 40 countries have turned to Aqua-4D.

International results
The Aqua-4D system relies on a combination of proven Swiss technology and empirical data collected over more than a decade from orchards, vineyards and fields around the world.

The system uses a finely calibrated electromagnetic signal to treat irrigation water before it is applied to crops. The system dissolves minerals and other organic material in the water into smaller elements, immediately improving any plant’s ability to better absorb what it needs in the proper proportions.

Yields increase from 6% to as much as 40% or more across all crop types. Consistent improvements in the size and quality of the fruit or vegetable, leaf structure, and root development have been measured.

 “Thanks to the Aqua-4D system, we have improved the overall quality of our fruits and have noted an increase in production to the m2, all while still irrigating with a highly charged water,” said Richard August Muller, Chief Financial Officer of Agricola Famosa, one of the largest growers in Brazil. (For more, please see this video interview.)

In Ethiopia, the general manager of an influential French wine company growing premium grapes in Ethiopia credits Aqua-4D for a 35% reduction in water use and 20% increase in yield.

“With the installation of the Aqua-4D system on a 7-hectare plot, we observed important water savings, a significant production increase as well as improved foliage,” said Bernard Coulais of Castel Group. “We are very satisfied with these results, which responded to our needs.”

U.S. farmers turning to Aqua-4D
American farmers are quickly coming to realize what their peers in other parts of the world already know – the Aqua-4D system is for real and can provide tangible results within weeks of installation.

In the past two years, more than 20 large-scale farming operations have agreed to test the Aqua-4D system, a process the company calls “validation.” A key part of the company’s strategy to show growers the system works is to require side-by-side comparisons so key data can be measured and analyzed.

All factors are controlled so that one field, orchard or vineyard receives water treated with the Aqua-4D system while the other section does not. The water comes from the same source, and the crop types and soil profiles are identical.

Growers in the San Joaquin and Salinas valleys in California have signed up. Many have doubled down on their investment because of positive validation results. Coming off a five-year drought that stretched already thin water supplies in the valley – and facing the prospect of another dry winter this year – farmers know they must again be frugal with every drop. Aqua-4D allows them to do that, easily adapting to almost all micro-drip and high-efficiency delivery systems.

Apple farmers in Washington are the latest to join the team. They are turning to Aqua-4D to help them successfully deal with chronically high salinity levels in their irrigation water and soil.

Strawberry and vegetable growers in Florida, a cotton grower in Arizona and greenhouses in Canada also have achieved remarkable results with the Aqua-4D system. They join a base of satisfied ag customers that spans the globe – from Brazil to Italy, Africa and the Middle East all the way to India.

The water treated by the Aqua-4D system is permanently transformed. Like an electric wire connected to a live power source, the water emerging from the Aqua-4D tubes will retain its new characteristics as long as it remains in contact (via irrigation lines) with a system that is turned on. Distance away from the system does not make a difference.

The system is eco-friendly and completely sustainable. There are no magnets or filters to change, dangerous chemicals to handle or toxic elements to dispose of, making maintenance simple and convenient. Even better, the system requires little power and adapts easily to small solar panel arrays.

For more information:
Aqua-4D Water Solutions
Technopole 5, 3960 Sierre, Switzerland
Javier Meyer, Marketing & Sales Manager
M: +41 78 624 07 17
T: +41 27 552 03 35

Publication date: 3/12/2018


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