UA-CEAC Online Hydroponic Tomato Intensive Workshop

The University of Arizona Controlled Environment

Agriculture Center Is hosting Its First-Ever

Hydroponic Tomato Online Intensive Workshop

On November 16th and 17th

 Are you interested in growing tomatoes hydroponically? Join the University of Arizona Controlled Environment Agriculture Center for the Hydroponic Online Intensive Workshop - November 16th& 17th via Zoom.

Taught by Dr. Stacy Tollefson, this two-day event is perfect for novice growers and will be packed with tons of critical information and research discoveries that UA-CEAC has assembled into their courses and programs for over 20 years.

You will get access to numerous lecture materials, personal question follow-ups, certificate of completion, and tons of knowledge! 

Click Here To Register

Limited seats are available

For questions, please email


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