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US: Las Vegas, NV - Local Hydroponic Farm Now Offering Items To The Public

by Gerard Ramalho

July 31st 2019

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LAS VEGAS (KSNV) — Forget what you thought you knew about farming. Quality produce can now be grown anywhere, including the desert.

"Primarily in our systems, the leafy greens, microgreens and herbs are what we're focusing on now," said Michell Howell of Oasis Biotech on Annie Oakley Road in Las Vegas.

For the past year, the company has been perfecting their crops and growing methods, to offer the best quality produce available.

A combination of innovation meets necessity. "I'm just going to lift this up here so that you can see that the roots hang down, nutrients are added to the water so that each plant gets exactly what it needs to be able to grow and thrive," said Howell.

From lighting to climate control to, yes, specialized water, the result they say, is the most nutritious, flavorful product you can buy.

"The edible part of the plant never touches soil, the water or the nutrients. So, almost we like to say, if you wash it, you're going to be contaminating it," said Howell.

Altogether there are five large growing rooms at Oasis Biotech. Each can produce approximately ten times that of a traditional acre, partly because they grow and harvest 365 days a year.

While you won't find every vegetable imaginable here yet, offerings are expanding all the time, and just like their product, they say, business is growing.