What Is The State of Indoor Farming? Your Help Is Needed

Posted by Brian Sparks

August 24, 2019

Artemis, an enterprise Cultivation Management Platform (CMP), has launched its first Global Ag Report survey, which is designed to capture the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities for growers producing fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, cannabis, hemp, and other specialty crops. The survey will inform the newest iteration of the State of Indoor Farming Report, released in previous years by Artemis under the company’s former name, Agrilyst.

The survey is open to all specialty crop growers and operators of enterprise farms, including operators of greenhouses, high tunnel farms, indoor facilities, and field growers, and will close for responses on Oct. 15, 2019.

The purpose of the new and improved survey is to give specialty crop farmers an industry voice around the most significant issues they are facing today. Artemis plans to use the survey responses to inform its first Global Ag Report. The report will provide an overview of the global specialty crop industry, as well as a deep dive into key topics such as production and operations, technology, and market outlook.

“Today we work with large international specialty crop farms that face a different set of challenges and opportunities than smaller, local operations,” said Allison Kopf, CEO of Artemis. “This report will dig into their pain points and market potential, to produce a comprehensive look into the global specialty crop industry. That is our priority in constructing our new survey for the Artemis Global Ag Report.”

Data from the survey will be supplemented with additional research from Artemis, and growers can use these shared insights as a resource for industry awareness, strategic planning and implementation of best practices in the coming years.

Artemis is a partner to some of the world’s largest farming companies. Since launching in 2015, it has seen strong customer growth with companies worth a collective $5 billion using the platform daily. Artemis has attracted a wide range of users that are foremost interested in the security, compliance, profitability, and potential to expand their operations.

Global Ag Report Survey 

Brian Sparks is a senior editor of Greenhouse Grower and editor of Greenhouse Grower Technology.

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