Had a GREAT Visit to Auburn University Delivering AmplifiedAg® State of the Art Indoor Farming Technology
Chief Executive Officer at AmplifiedAg, Inc.
Had a GREAT Visit to Auburn University yesterday delivering AmplifiedAg® State of the Art Indoor Farming Technology to one of Academia's leading institutions in Horticulture. Thanks to Glenn Loughridge, Desmond R. Layne, Ph.D., Jack Maruna, Daniel Wells and the Team at Auburn for entrusting us with the opportunity to expand capability on campus. Also thanks to Kenneth Mintz, Eric Timmerman and the Team at STEEL LION LLC https://opsteellion.com/ for the first class logistics support in making it happen!
Taking delivery today of three more hydroponic growing container farms to add to the two we already have. So grateful for our partnership with Campus Dining. The Auburn University Transformation Garden is continuing to be transformed by new technology, facilities, new gardens, and amazing faculty, staff and students all working together. hashtag#auburnhorticulture