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Lawrenceville, NJ - Lawrence H.S. Freshman Wins International Video Contest

Lawrenceville, NJ - Lawrence H.S. Freshman Wins International Video Contest

May 18, 2018

Eating Up by Thinking Up

By Michelle Dryden   mdryden@themediapub.com,

For NJ Advance Media

A freshman from Lawrence High School was a first place winner from among 5,000 students participating in the international video contest, Population Connection's "World of 7 Billion".  

Arjun Agarwal was among just 18 first or second place winners. He competed in the Feeding 10 Billion People category that addressed sustainable ideas for feeding a growing population, while educating viewers about the topic.

Arjun Agarwal 

He also won a $1,000 prize.

"I didn't expect to win because I knew it was a big contest that thousands of other students entered," said Arjun "I just wanted to create a fun video." 

Arjun's one-minute winning video is called "Eating Up By Thinking Up," where he tries to persuade populations to think about transitioning from eating meat to a more sustainable plant-based diet.

"It's a very pressing concern that the meat industry has. There simply won't be enough land, water, and energy for animals," Arjun said. "We need a slow transition from meat to plants, because plants use less land, water, and energy. The statistics are in my video," he added.

Arjun's video suggests that designing vertical farms for growing the plants would help to provide more food for a growing population in a sustainable manner. Later he talked about examples of plants such as "fruits, vegetables, lentils, and beans." 

He also said that he is not sure that vertical farms are the same as greenhouses and if they would have an undesirable effect on the ozone.

"These aren't just great young filmmakers," said John Seager, president of Population Connection. "All of the winners are inspirational voices for a sustainable and compassionate future."

Arjun found out about the contest through involvement in his school's STEM club. He felt inspired to tackle the challenge because he saw hunger firsthand while traveling in India with his parents who are in the food industry and teach nutrition.

He also said being a vegetarian himself was also an inspiration.

Other winning students hail from the U.S., Canada, Belgium, and Slovenia.

The contest was organized and promoted during the 2017-18 school year by Population Education, a program of Population Connection.

"We select themes each year that not only address timely global issues but also dovetail nicely with the content in many middle and high school social studies and science classes," said Pam Wasserman, senior vice president for education at Population Connection.

Other winning videos and student bios are available here: worldof7billion.org/student-video-contest

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