Join The FarmTech Society And Help The CEA Industry Grow
The FarmTech Society has enjoyed a flying start to its activities in 2019. FTS is designed and built as an industry association for the benefit of the Controlled Environment Agriculture industry, with a mission to unite and support the Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) industry. FTS strengthens the CEA sector as it develops and implements resilient, circular methods and technologies for indoor growing.
Highlights of FarmTech Society’s first year include
FarmTech Society was officially registered
ASBL (non-profit in Belgium) with a transparent governance structure
Formally established the board of directors and created an advisory board
Developed our policy Advocacy efforts in the EU
Registered FTS as an EU advocacy organization, the only one with a focus on CEA
Included as Horizon 2020 EU project
Initiated Urban Heat Island Mitigation working group
Started Educational activities
Founded the international FTS education committee
Included as a partner in the Erasmus+ EU project partner PonicsVET
Partnering with the Vertical Farming field lab in the Westland
Made big steps forward in the certification of indoor farmed produce
Initiated the B2C certificate with Global G.A.P., an international standard for indoor farmed produce
Developed the FTS Network
Co-organized 5 international events, workshops and conferences
Attracted membership from 16 countries covering most continents
Selected by RAI/GreenTech as a preferred partner
Partnered w1ith Indoor Ag-Con, PublicGoodAg, and Ponic Jobs
The FarmTech Society has four focus areas. Firstly, we support the education of farmers of the future by engaging in initiatives that develop courses and create credentials that meet industry needs. Secondly, we engage with policymakers to help develop and promote policies that foster innovation and support CEA businesses. Thirdly, we support the establishment of standards and best practices that help the industry grow and innovate. Finally, we provide an international network for our members.