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Modernisation of Greenhouse Complexes in Russia And The CIS

For the last several years production of vegetables in greenhouses has become one of the major drivers for agriculture. Starting from 2013, the output of greenhouse vegetables (mainly cucumbers and tomatoes) in Russia increased by almost 50%. 95% of greenhouse cucumbers and 65% of greenhouse tomatoes in the domestic market are produced in the country.

Rapid development of greenhouse industry in the CIS is supported by the following factors: high retail prices in the domestic market, relatively low price of labour force, moderate, warm climate and access to the Russian market – major market of greenhouse vegetables in Eastern Europe.

“Development of commercial greenhouses is one of

the priority directions of agriculture. For the last three

years greenhouse vegetable production is rapidly

growing owing to the national support”,

— First Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Dzhambulat Khatuov.

Team of analysts from Vostock Capital has prepared the report on modernisation of greenhouse complexes in Russia and the CIS. The report provides relevant updates on reconstruction of obsolete and upgrade of operating greenhouse complexes.

The report includes:

  • investment projects on greenhouse complexes’ modernisation

  • preconditions and key modernisation technologies

  • regional and federal support programmes for commercial greenhouses

Get the report

Investment projects on construction and modernisation of greenhouse complexes will be presented at the the 4th International Investment Greenhouse Complexes Russia Forum 2019, to be held 4-5 December in Moscow.
Silver Sponsors: Signify, GREEN AUTOMATION EXPORT; Bronze Sponsor: Rijk Zwaan, Royal Brinkman. Industry Partner: Greenhouses of Russia Association.

Contacts: Elvira Sakhabutdinova, Project Director

+44 207 394 30 90 (London)
