US: VIRGINIA - Senior Project Brings Daily Salads For School Lunches

Students Set Up A Hydroponic System In The School Lab

Two Upper School Seniors at the Hampton Roads Academy (HRA) constructed a hydroponic unit for the school's hydroponics lab. About a year ago two students, Ava and Cooper, were asked to construct a new hydroponics unit for the school. They immediately agreed to work on the project, with their first task to create a new system for the school's 1,000 sq. ft. 'Martha H. Patten Hydroponics Lab'. After approval, they picked up the supplies needed and set up the system. 

Ava and Cooper set up the hydroponic system by themselves, making use of the additional growing lights, nutrient dosers, Rockwool, and water pumps. However, the project wasn't without struggles. At one point, the system turned out to have some leaks and a PCV pipe was disconnected from the system. They later improved the system to remedy the problems. 

The first harvest was successfully done and enough for 200 salads. Throughout the year, all harvested produce went directly to HRA's school lunches. During their project, Ava and Cooper made it their goal to educate other students at the HRA on hydroponic farming. After a while, many students had expressed their interest in the hydroponic lab. Given that response, the seniors held information sessions to teach students how they could get involved. 

Ava and Cooper have said to be thankful for the opportunity to create a hydroponic lab for the school. Their main goal to keep educate and inspire others to create their own hydroponic system as they see it as 'the future of sustainable farming.' 

Click on the video below to see the complete story. 

For more information:
Hampton Roads Academy 
739 Academy Lane
Newport News, VA 23602
+1 (757) 884-9100  


6 April 2021
Author: Rebekka Boekhout

Lead photo:
Ava and Cooper at the 'Martha H. Patten Hydroponics Lab


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