Roots In Aqua (Farm) And Innovation Oriented Novel Farm Is Born

The new international conference & exhibition will focus on the new cultivation systems, vertical farming and innovative methods of food production and it was presented at Greentech. Pordenone, June 15 - NovelFarm, the international exhibition-conference completely dedicated to innovation in agritech (new cultivation techniques, soilless and vertical farming) will be held on February 13th and 14th 2019 at Pordenone Fiere Exhibition Center (Venice Area).

In 2017 in Italy more than 100 million euros were invested in large-scale hydroponic greenhouses with a production mainly destined to tomato for table consumption. This trend is rapidly growing, motivated by the need to shorten the food supply chain and the increasing attention to high-quality products. A research conducted by the Coop Italia Observatory shows that in 2017, for the first time, ready-to-eat products in Italy reached the top 3 positions regarding the consumption of packaged fresh products sold by the GDO. Italy ranks second in Europe, after England, for the per capita consumption of these products.

The horticulture market will be just one of the topics that will be presented during Novelfarm. A growing interest for medicinal and pharmaceutical plants, whose return allows investments to be made in plants in "useful" times. An example? Cannabis, which is now also legal for personal use (even if with important limits of active ingredients). Technology will be the protagonist showing (by LED) how light can affect the taste and consistency of salads and strawberries.

Novel Farm will, therefore, be the first B2B event in Southern Europe that will offer professional updating and networking on these topics, the possibility of comparison and meeting between supply and demand. The new event dedicated to new production methods was presented last June 12 in an exceptional context: GreenTech, the global meeting in Amsterdam, a reference point for horticulture technology. What is Novel Farm born from? The roots have grown in AquaFarm, the conference & exhibition dedicated to aquaculture, algaculture and sustainable fishing, through conferences and an area dedicated to the techniques of aquaponics and vertical farming.

In the last two years, the collaboration and the guests have been important: the Association for Vertical Farming, the international association that lead the sustainable growth and develop the vertical farming movement; Vertical Farming Italian and ENEA; Dickson Despommier, the creator of the vertical farming concept as keynote speaker and the participation of important companies as Osram, Planthive, Idromeccanica Lucchini, Wasp.

Finally, the fully equipped conference rooms and the success of the exhibiting companies led NovelFarm to be the exclusive event for the most innovative production companies and future soilless cultivation scenarios.

Novelfarm will be held in conjunction with Aquafarm.

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Novelfarm Sales & Marketing +39 0434 232111


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