Signify Supports Bryte For Its New Greenhouse Equipment With Hybrid Philips LED Lighting System

 Signify Supports Bryte, One of The Largest Dutch Tomato

Growers, For Its New Greenhouse Equipment (83,000 m²)

With A Hybrid Philips LED Lighting System

Eindhoven, the Netherlands - Signify (Euronext: LIGHT), the world leader in lighting, announces today that it will start an extensive horti project in cooperation with Stolze at Bryte, one of the largest tomato growers in the Netherlands. For the location in 's-Gravenzande, an 8.3 hectare greenhouse will be equipped with a combination of Philips GreenPower LED top lighting compact and HPS lighting. This solution allows greenhouses to benefit from the advantages of LED top lighting: higher predictability, better quality and an improved yield, as well as lower energy costs.

Bryte was founded in early 2019 as a combination of two renowned growers in the Westland and Voorne Putten areas: Kwekerij Dukker and Zwinkels Tomaten. Two different family businesses, but with a shared DNA. Identical in size, comparable in the way of working and thinking about cooperation in horticulture. For years, these companies have been growing tomatoes that are only known for one thing: their taste.

The introduction of the Philips GreenPower LED top lighting compact as a one-to-one replacement for the existing HPS lighting was the time for Bryte to think about a partial implementation of LED as a hybrid lighting solution for one of the company's seven locations. Compared to a 1,000 W HPS lamp, the Philips GreenPower LED top lighting compact produces the same amount of light using 40% less electricity. The lamp also produces very little radiant heat. Compared to a 600 W HPS lamp, the new energy-efficient LED top lighting compact produces 80% more light with the same amount of electricity.

A total of 180 μmol/m²/s will be realized over a total area of over 8.3 ha of glass, of which 90 μmol/m²/s will come from the HPS lighting and 90 μmol/m²/s from the LED top lighting. The heat and light in the greenhouses can be controlled independently, allowing for a very specific response to the natural lighting conditions. This creates the right balance between the amount of growing light and heat in the greenhouse, resulting in an increased yield and lower energy costs.

"It's good to see one of the largest Dutch greenhouse vegetable growers expressing confidence in LED," says Udo van Slooten, Business Leader Horticulture at Signify. "Bryte recognizes that the Philips GreenPower LED top lighting compact is not only an ideal replacement, but also the ideal addition to the existing HPS lighting in tomato cultivation."

Bryte's starting point is a more efficient growth too: "Our locations must meet the requirements of today and tomorrow in terms of efficiency, food safety, and sustainability. Together, we produce tomatoes on an area of 40 hectares. In summer and in winter, because a large part of the production area is lighted. Our customers are thus assured of a continuous supply, even when outdoor conditions produce poor lighting. We expect that the new hybrid LED installation will enable us to grow more efficiently, while reducing our energy and maintenance costs. A better balance in the greenhouse will result in higher profits," says Tom Zwinkels, Bryte's owner and director.

The whole project will be implemented in close cooperation with Philips horti LED partner Stolze.

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