KUWAIT: "Up To 550 kg of Lettuce Per Day Thanks To Faster Growth Cycles"
Hamburg-Based Start-Up &ever Makes Big Strides In Kuwait
Instead of traveling 5,000 kilometers between German growing areas and consumers, lettuce from vertical farming company &ever in Kuwait travels less than 100 kilometers. With its first commercial farm in the middle of the Kuwaiti desert, the Hamburg-based company supplies regionally grown leaf lettuce to local restaurants and grocers. These are grown on more than 3,000 m2 of cultivation area and taste like they were picked fresh from the field. "Thanks to faster-growing cycles, we can produce up to 550 kilograms of lettuce per day," Mark Korzilius, founder of &ever, told IT Zoom.de
Hypermodern cultivation technology / Image: &ever
"In the process, our newly developed Dryponics cultivation technology reduces water consumption by 90 percent and fertilizer use by 60 percent when compared to traditional cultivation methods." The company also eliminates the use of crop protection products.
For more information: https://and-ever.com
22 Dec 2020