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Receive Insights From The 2020 Global CEA Census Report
AgTech leaders Autogrow and Agritecture Consulting have concluded our 2nd Annual Global CEA Census, focusing on understanding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on controlled environment agriculture (CEA) operations around the world
AgTech leaders Autogrow and Agritecture Consulting have concluded our 2nd Annual Global CEA Census, focusing on understanding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on controlled environment agriculture (CEA) operations around the world.
Major insights of the Global CEA Census
“The optimism reflects what we have seen across many areas of the industry including increased technology adoption and increased consumer expenditure on fresh produce. And despite the challenges we’re seeing an overwhelming number of new entrants into the market,” says Autogrow CEO Darryn Keiller.
“What has not changed is the high percentage of new growers, almost 50%, that have no experience in agriculture before starting their business. That lack of experience has an impact on new technology solutions created and the need for more education to be available to support them. It also shows a real desire to make a difference considering their willingness to start during a pandemic.”
Other takeaways from the Census:
CEA businesses showing optimism and resilience despite the COVID hurdles
88% of growers surveyed are below age 50
29% of respondents receive funding from multiple sources
Receive The Full Report For Free!
Folium 2.0 Hits The Market Ahead of Schedule
“F2 gives growers that next level microclimate data. Traditionally, microclimates described the farm, then it was the greenhouse, but now with F2 it is down to the level of the plant itself. Each sensor can gather a monumental amount of data making it the most comprehensive sensor network on the market.”
19 November 2020
Autogrow has launched the second generation of its Folium Smart Sensor Network, ahead of schedule to meet customer demand for greater access to data in the cloud.
“Since the initial launch of Folium in February we have had fantastic feedback from customers requesting further features. Because of our focus on usability and our approach to design; we have been able to deliver F2 significantly ahead of our timeline and incorporate the most requested items which is incredibly exciting,” says Chief Technology Officer Jonathan Morgan.
“F2 gives growers that next level microclimate data. Traditionally, microclimates described the farm, then it was the greenhouse, but now with F2 it is down to the level of the plant itself. Each sensor can gather a monumental amount of data making it the most comprehensive sensor network on the market.”
The Autogrow team focused on the most requested features for F2 including the addition of plant temperature readings, substrate moisture readings, and actual VPD (Vapor Pressure Deficit).
“With the release of our Folium public API (Application Programming Interface) in August, we were able to integrate other sensor technology like Plant Temperature sensors and Substrate Moisture Sensors to the platform. Growers don’t need to buy seven or eight different sensors any longer to get all of these readings. Everything is available in F2.”
F2 introduces new features including:
Connecting a Plant Temperature Sensor
Connecting a Substrate Moisture Sensor
Receiving actual VPD (Vapor Pressure Deficit) readings as opposed to estimated.
Dew Point calculation.
As well as delivering the existing readings for:
Climate Temperature
Relative Humidity
PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation)
RAD (Radiation)
Barometric pressure
“All of the readings and microclimate visualization are presented in the cloud on one platform. When you’re looking for precision in agriculture you need to understand the levers you can pull to further increase your yield and F2 is what’s going to get you there.”
For more information on F2 - https://autogrow.com/products/folium-f2
Kylie Horomia, Head of Brand & Communications
(e) Kylie.horomia@autogrow.com
(w) www.autogrow.com www.farmroad.io
Sales queries – sales@autogrow.com
About Autogrow
Autogrow leverages the power of technology, data science, and plant biology to provide indoor growers affordable, accessible, and easy-to-use innovation – 24/7, anywhere in the world.
Our hardware, software, and data solutions support growers and resellers in over 40 countries producing over 100 different crop types.
We are the experts in Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) and continue to stay ahead of a rapidly evolving landscape.
Autogrow, Building 3, Level 1, 61 Constellation Drive, Mairangi Bay, Auckland, Auckland 0632, New Zealand
Autogrow Challenges Other Industry Players To Publish APIs
“To date, large industry players have not publicly published APIs’, but our argument is that it’s your data - you should be able to do what you want with it,” says Chief Technology Officer Jonathan Morgan
Autogrow is calling for more public APIs (Application Programming Interface), giving increased access for growers to their own data, and fostering faster innovation in the Controlled Environment Agriculture industry.
“To date, large industry players have not publicly published APIs’, but our argument is that it’s your data - you should be able to do what you want with it,” says Chief Technology Officer Jonathan Morgan.
“There can be a protectionist approach to development to dissuade people from building their own versions or integrating other products. But you will never keep up with all the customer requests or in the same timeframe as the 15 other companies working on the same improvements in the market. Access equals innovation - simple as that.”
Autogrow's FarmRoad has launched their public API on a new Developer Portal which is product agnostic and welcomes all industry players. This will allow growers to use the platform to build a ‘best of breed’ solution for their operation, no matter what their current technology providers are.
“You don’t have to rip and replace your existing technology. You just need to use an API to connect it to FarmRoad and then see all your information in one place. You can also give third parties secure access to specific areas of your information – keeping control of what you want them to see.”
“As innovation accelerates it creates a unique challenge of being able to centralize all of your data in one place – regardless of the source. We’ve been offering public APIs for over three years and are certainly the leaders when it comes to cloud technology,” notes Mr. Morgan.
Initially, the FarmRoad Developer Portal will give access to:
Measurements: Over 39 different measurement data types related to the environment and crop registration.
Events: Capturing key events or notes for example pest detection or spray regimes.
Farms/compartments/sectors: Get the full picture from different areas of the farm. Giving comparative studies, trends or with permission-based access.
“This is just the beginning for what FarmRoad will be able to offer. With API availability, growers will be able to create their own custom applications alongside the work we are doing. It’s a great developer community which can evolve and scale as businesses and the industry changes.”
For more information on the FarmRoad Developer Portal - https://farmroad.io/developer
For more information on the API documentation - https://developer.farmroad.io/
For more information on Yield Prediction by FarmRoad - https://www.farmroad.io/
11 Nov 2020
Darryn Keiller, Autogrow CEA And The Way Forward In A COVID-19 Reality
Autogrow is a New Zealand-based global technology company and a world leader in controlled environment farming
Autogrow is a New Zealand-based global technology company and a world leader in controlled environment farming. Most of the work they do is about moving farm operators from analog to digital management of the farm. They offer products for both smaller farms, like automation systems, and for newer, larger farms they offer a crop management platform FarmRoad and yield prediction for greenhouse based tomato production. Darryn Keiller, CEO of the company (photo right), talks about how the virus is impacting the industry and how their technologies can help growers post-COVID.
Dashboard FarmRoad
COVID-19 impacts
A major impact of COVID-19 is that virtually every greenhouse producer in the world relies on immigrant labour and there have been a lot of challenges to get labour forces across the borders everywhere. “There’s been high infection rates on large commercial greenhouse producers in North America.” There’s also been a concern about the safety of the produce.
The impacts of the virus have been very different for growers around the world. “For instance, we have two similar customers producing leafy greens and herbs, one in the US and one in Australia. They both supplied their produce to restaurants and specialty supermarkets and got hit really hard with those supermarkets and restaurants having to shut down. They had to find new ways of getting their product into the market. The one in the US started supplying directly to consumers, was able to pivot quickly. And unfortunately, the one in Australia is in a very remote location and did not have that option. They’re still operating but had to let a large portion of their staff go.”
There were a lot of challenges in food production before COVID-19, but the virus does amplify those issues. To summarize it, farms have to become more efficient. Most of the industry is still analog, and Autogrow is creating new solutions to take growers into the digital realm. “It’s about how we apply software and data and artificial intelligence. In that regard, we’re having a lot of engagement from growers in Europe, the US, Mexico, Canada. All large enterprises looking for ways to advance the way that they operate their farms.”
Another thing that Darryn and his colleagues see it that the global crisis is invoking local business helping other local businesses. They are curious to see if those changes will stay, and expect that to become visible in the coming months or years. “And for us, it’s really about the growers who need help. Our focus is on them now. The last thirty years have been about the individual, now the situation requires us to work together and be more selfless.”
Vertical PAR
The company has seen a little extra enquiry from the Middle East, but even more from India. People there are looking into hydroponics, looking to start up a hydroponic business for local productions. There is also more enquiry from South East Asia and parts of Europe. “People are taking more proactive action now, realising their own risk and wanting to do something about it.”
For more information:
Publication date: Fri 21 Aug 2020
Author: Marlies Guiljam
© HortiDaily.com
WEBINAR - Uncovering Warning Signs of Fungal Disease In Your Growing Environment - Thursday, August 27th - 4 PM EST
Kayla Waldorff - Business Development Manager
Growing up in a farming family, it was no surprise Kayla studied agriculture and went on to work as a grower in a hydroponic lettuce farm. As a Business Development Manager, she helps growers of all sizes optimize their greenhouses and crops.
Daniel Than - Field Trial Specialist
After spending more than 10 years in biotech studying the interaction between plants and microbes, Daniel spent three years succesfully managing a farm growing crops for the NZ market before joining Autogrow.
2nd Annual Global CEA Census Announced: CEA Amidst COVID-19
AgTech leaders Autogrow and Agritecture Consulting have launched their 2nd Annual Global CEA Census, focusing on understanding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on controlled environment agriculture (CEA) operations around the world
The 2020 Global Census will run from July 7 2020 until August 10 2020.
8/14/20 UPDATE:
The Global Census has been extended
& will run thru this Weekend
7 July 2020
AgTech leaders Autogrow and Agritecture Consulting have launched their 2nd Annual Global CEA Census, focusing on understanding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on controlled environment agriculture (CEA) operations around the world.
“We’re all operating in a unique situation right now and what’s required is a reality check. All of us, including growers, suppliers, distributors, government and financial institutions, need a clear view of what should be implemented, ensuring farm operators address a raft of challenges to continue to feed communities,” explains Autogrow CEO, Darryn Keiller.
“In every major market, media coverage of farms has made clear the high COVID-19 infection rate amongst farm workers, coupled with major challenges in getting their traditional immigration sourced labor across closed borders. Infection rates in food processing plants are another example.”
“It will take accelerated engagement between industry stakeholders to get us through the next 12 months and on into the future. Some farm operators have adapted well, whereas others will require additional financial intervention and modernize their approach to farming. We hope this Census will highlight the true impact of what’s happening and where the priorities lie.”
Last year, the 2019 Census reported on several areas including growth plans, agricultural experience, and profitability. This year, the Census will focus specifically on COVID-19 and whether decisions indicated last year have been affected.
“In 2019, we found 90% of respondents planned to increase their production area. We’re curious as to whether that is still the case, and if not, what other business changes are being implemented due to COVID-19,” says Agritecture Founder and CEO, Henry Gordon-Smith.
“The future is going to be about maintaining the health of workers, alongside the health of the business. Consumers will be looking for transparency around food sourcing, sustainable and local producers, and this is an opportunity for the CEA industry to take a lead in what will be our new normal.”
Recent figures released by the World Health Organization show the rapid spread of COVID-19 that has resulted in countries implementing various lockdown measures. This, in turn, has had a major impact on the entire food supply chain, including CEA farms that are key food producers around the world.
The 2020 Global Census will run from July 7 2020 until August 10 2020.
All completed submissions will go in the draw to win multiple prizes, including tickets to Agritecture Xchange, a speaking spot in the conference, a feature on Agritecture’s blog, and a discount off an annual Folium subscription with every purchase of a Folium Sensor Starter Pack.
Kylie Horomia, Autogrow Head of Communications
(e) Kylie.horomia@autogrow.com
(m) +6421 733 025
(w) https://autogrow.com/ | www.farmroad.io
Briana Zagami, Agritecture Media Strategist
(e) briana@agritecture.com
About Autogrow
Autogrow leverages the power of technology, data science, and plant biology to provide indoor growers affordable, accessible, and easy-to-use innovation – 24/7, anywhere in the world.
Our solutions support growers and resellers in over 40 countries producing over 100 different crop types.
We are the experts in Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) and continue to stay ahead of a rapidly evolving landscape.
About Agritecture Consulting
Agritecture Consulting provides a comprehensive approach to CEA project development.
In operation since 2014, Agritecture has helped more than 100 organizations determine the feasibility of their ideas, validate their business strategies, recruit talent for their projects, and manage operational challenges.
Our job is to jumpstart your knowledge of CEA, help you navigate barriers to entry, make industry connections, and mitigate risk. Our consulting services are backed by several years of operations data and a team of experienced growers, engineers, and sustainability managers.