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U.S.: Leading Indoor Farming Companies Create Food Safety Coalition

U.S.: Leading Indoor Farming Companies Create Food Safety Coalition

April 11, 2018

Leading Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) companies have joined together to establish the first food safety coalition for the sector. 

The group’s first meeting will be during the United Fresh co-located 2018 Expos taking place June 25-27 in Chicago, where they will begin to develop the coalition’s structure and food safety standards.

CEA growers including BrightFarms, AeroFarms, and Little Leaf Farms have joined the coalition as founding members, with numerous others expected to join in the coming months.

The development is backed by both the United Fresh Produce Association and the Produce Marketing Association (PMA).

“There is a real need for a group of this kind that enables the industry to combine their collective learning to develop and advance food safety practices,” said United Fresh vice president of food safety & technology, Dr. Jennifer McEntire.

“We frequently get questions from CEA growers with food safety in mind and this coalition will serve as a resource to not only these growers but to all companies in the industry.”

PMA chief science and technology officer, Bob Whitaker, Ph.D., said that collaboration between the companies will advance food safety not just for CEA growers but the fresh produce industry as a whole.

“They ask good questions about how to ensure their particular practices produce safe products and have demonstrated they are willing to learn from and share ideas on risk- and science-based food safety with their open agriculture counterparts,” he said.

AeroFarms CEO David Rosenberg said: “We take food safety very seriously and are proud to help lead this effort to elevate this critical topic not only for CEA growers, but also the industry overall including our retailer partners and ultimately the consumer.”

The CEA produce industry is primarily made up of brands using hydroponic, aeroponic or aquaponic methods. All CEA produce organizations are invited to join the coalition to help shape the model and standard of food safety to protect consumer health.

Those who wish to join are asked to email: ceafoodsafety@gmail.com

Photo: BrightFarms


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Indoor Farming, Conference IGrow PreOwned Indoor Farming, Conference IGrow PreOwned

AEssenseGrows Announces International Indoor Farming Symposium in Shanghai

AEssenseGrows Announces International Indoor Farming Symposium in Shanghai

Co-Sponsored by AEssenseGrows and the Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the June Event Brings Together Global Leaders in Indoor Commercial Cultivation


SUNNYVALE, Calif., April 9, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- AEssenseGrows, an ag-tech company specializing in automated aeroponic platforms for high-yield plant production, announced today a symposium featuring leaders in commercial indoor agriculture. Co-sponsored by AEssenseGrows and the Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences (SAAS), the 2018 International Indoor Plant Factory Symposium will run June 12-15 at the Blue Palace Hotel in Jiading, Shanghai.

AEssenseGrows Announces 2018 International Indoor Plant Factory Symposium in Shanghai

The symposium brings together some of the world's leading experts in commercial indoor cultivation for an exchange of ideas and information about the latest innovations, technologies, and research in the field. The primary focus will be on technology to grow greens and fruit, though topics may also touch upon growing grains and plants for herbal medicines.

"There have been many recent advances in indoor farming, and this symposium will serve as a forum to discuss how they can be deployed commercially to benefit our communities," said Robert Chen, president and CEO of AEssenseGrows. "By joining with the SAAS, we are delivering an event that will be of value to all agriculture professionals who recognize the potential indoor farming presents for businesses and--more importantly--society."

Keynote presentations include:

  • "The present and future of the plant factory with artificial lighting," by Professor Toyoki Kozai, president of the Japan Plant Factory Association, Japan
  • "Tomorrow's city will be self-sustaining," by Dr. Dickson Despommier, emeritus
  • professor, Columbia University, United States
  • "The transforming power of vertical farming—global trends and local impacts," by Christine Zimmermann-Loessl, chairwoman of the Association for Vertical Farming, Germany
  • "A total solution and innovation for smart plant factory with artificial lighting," by Dr. Huafang Zhou, vice president of AEssenseGrows, United States
  • "Grow light recipes and study of artificial lighting for plants," by Professor Shaohua Li, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Detailed information about the symposium can be found at www.plantfactorysymposium.com. The deadline for submitting abstracts for presentations and posters is April 30.

In addition to the symposium, AEssenseGrows will hit the road in May, demonstrating its advanced grow systems at major conferences in the United States. The Sunnyvale, Calif., startup will demonstrate its AEtrium system and Guardiantm Grow Manager software at:

  • Indoor Ag-Con, May 2-3 at the Las Vegas Convention Center
  • MJBizConNEXT, May 9-11 at the New Orleans Morial Convention Center

The company will also participate in the NCIA annual Lobby Days, May 21 to 23 in Washington, D.C.

To meet with an AEssenseGrows representative at one of the shows, contact Phil Gibson at pgibson@aessensegrows.com.

AEssense Corp. (pronounced "essence") founded in 2015, is a precision AgTech company based in Sunnyvale, CA. 

AEssenseGrows provides accelerated plant growth SmartFarm platforms and software automation delivering pure, zero pesticide, year-round, enriched growth to fresh produce and medicinal plant producers globally. 

With AEssenseGrows, you can precisely control your production operations at your fingertips from anywhere in the world. 

Phil Gibson

SOURCE AEssenseGrows

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Agriculture, Conference IGrow PreOwned Agriculture, Conference IGrow PreOwned

Seeds&Chips 2018 - International Summit on Food Innovation begins on May 7

Seeds&Chips 2018

International Summit on Food Innovation begins on May 7: Water takes center stage in a dialogue between startups, incubators and opinion leaders from around the world

On May 7th, the Summit opens with a keynote address from Howard Schultz, Executive Chairman of Starbucks, one of the most successful companies in the world and renowned for their commitment to CSR

On May 8, 68th US Secretary of State John F. Kerry will deliver a keynote speech on the impact of the food system on global climate change and sustainable political initiatives

Other honored speakers include Nathan Myhrvold, ex CTO of Microsoft, co-Founder of Intellectual Ventures and principal author of the Modernist Cuisine; Howard Yana Shapiro, Chief Agricultural Officer of Mars Incorporated; Sarah Toumi, CEO and Founder of Acacias for All: Seth Goldman, Executive Chairman of Beyond Meat. 

12 April 2018- The fourth edition of Seeds&Chips - The Global Food Innovation Summit, the most important international event dedicated to Food Innovation, was presented today in Rome at the Farnesina. In attendance at the participation were Vincenzo De Luca, Director General for International Promotion, Culture and Innovation; Kostas Stamoulis, Assistant Director-General, FAO; Alan Rizzi, Undersecretary for the presidency of the regional council, Lombardy Region; Diana Battaggia, Director of UNIDO ITPO Italy; Giorgio Marrapodi Director General for Development Cooperation; Marco Gualtieri, President and Founder of Seeds&Chips; Livia Pomodoro, President of the Milan Center for Food Law and Policy; HRH Princess Viktoria de Bourbon de Parme, advocate for the participation of young farmers at Seeds&Chips; Francesco Loreto, Director of DISBA - CNR; Massimiliano Costa, Director of ShareTheMeal, the first app developed by World Food Programme to fight global hunger; and Harald Cosenza, CEO of Robonica. 

Seeds&Chips - The Global Food Innovation Summit, will take place from May 7-10 at MiCo- Milano Congressi. Over four days, conference sessions and meetings will be held on a diverse range of themes related to food and innovation, from climate change to robotics, from e-commerce to precision agriculture, and from food waste to circular economy, with many more topics to be featured. There will be an exhibition hall featuring startups, companies and incubators who will present their projects to visitors, and more than 200 speakers from around the world including investors and policymakers who will discuss the major challenges facing the planet. 

This year’s Summit has placed particular focus on the subject of water, which stands as one of the greatest global challenges in the coming years. Seeds&Chips began this focus with the WaterFirst! Initiative, which launched a Call for Ideas in November 2017 for innovative projects in water conservation and management. The initiative, in collaboration with UNIDO ITPO Italy (the Office for the Promotion of Technology and Investments of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization), the National Research Council (CNR) and the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), was aimed at innovators from around the world working on the sustainable use of water. The competition received 65 submissions from 23 countries and 4 continents, and of the final 30 projects, 5 will be awarded a "hospitality" contribution for the trip and accommodation in Milan during the Summit. The top project will win a 10,000 euro prize dedicated to Ambassador Giorgio Giacomelli, a Milanese diplomat and honorary member of the UN Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation, who passed away last year.

Marco Gualtieri, President, and Founder of Seeds&Chips noted that "The fourth edition of Seeds&Chips represents a crucial step in a path set forth worldwide in 2015 when food and the environment became the leading themes of the debate on the future. From EXPO to the signing of the SDGs at the United Nations to the Paris climate agreement, in that one year, the world really began to grasp the importance of food and environmental issues to the future of our planet. Today the challenges set forth in those 12 months come to the Seeds&Chips stage, through the voices of both young people and some of the most important actors in the world food revolution. Seeds&Chips wants to continue along this revolutionary path in the knowledge that all of these messages, new models, innovations, and opportunities related to food must be disseminated to every corner of the planet ".

Diana Battaggia, Director of UNIDO ITPO Italy, said: “We don’t need more food, but more technology and applied innovations to bring about economic growth and lift people out of poverty in developing countries and feed the world in the coming decades. UNIDO ITPO Italy elevated the importance of innovation in the agribusiness sector as a fundamental enabler of economic growth in developing countries, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals – Agenda 2030. This is the reason why we have strengthened our relationship with Seeds&Chips year after year by acting as an advisor for developing countries, where agriculture remains the backbone of economic activity and employment”

Michele Scannavini, President of the Italian Trade Agency (ITA), said:” For the second consecutive year, ITA is proud to collaborate with Seeds&Chips to promote this event on the international stage, and to offer Italian companies the opportunity to meet with influential figures from around the world. Italy has one of the most highly evolved food systems and a tremendous edge in food technology, with particular strength in innovation that emphasizes efficiency and sustainability. Italian industry is widely recognized abroad, and Seeds&Chips represents a unique platform to launch interesting new proposals from our various startups.”

The nation of The Netherlands is a partner for the forthcoming edition of The Global Food Innovation Summit, with the participation of HRH Princess Viktoria de Bourbon de Parme who will collaborate on a series of farming-related initiatives with Seeds&Chips. The project focuses on assisting farmers in developing countries in the use of innovative technologies to bolster their living and working conditions, as 80% of the world’s food is produced by family farmers, most of which live in severe poverty. To ensure food security and to continue to feed the global population, we need a new generation of farmers who can take advantage of the most innovative technologies to achieve sustainable economic, social and environmental development. At the May 8th session, young farmers from Honduras, Senegal, Algeria, and India will participate in the Summit along with Carola Schouten, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture of the Netherlands and Gilbert F. Houngbo, President of IFAD.

HRH Princess Viktoria de Bourbon de Parme stated, "I am excited about this collaboration with Seeds&Chips as it is a unique opportunity to connect the network of small farmers in developing countries with young innovators who will participate in the fourth edition of the Summit. Working together, we can help limit hunger in the world and transform the global food system in a sustainable way. " 

The program

As in years previous, the impressive roster of speakers come from a range of fields and diverse backgrounds to discuss the challenges and solutions in the global food system. Among the honored keynote speakers are John Kerry, the 68th US Secretary of State and Howard Schultz, Executive Chairman of Starbucks. Other prestigious guests include Nathan Myhrvold, ex-CTO of Microsoft, co-Founder of Intellectual Ventures and co-author of the Modernist Cuisine; Kerry Kennedy, President of the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights; Sam Kass, chef advisor to former US President Barack Obama and architect of the healthy eating revolution in the White House; Howard-Yana Shapiro, Chief Agricultural Officer of Mars Incorporated and one of the most influential minds in the food revolution; Shazi Visram, founder of Happy Family Organics and named by President Obama as one of the most influential people in the world in the field of healthy baby food; Seth Goldman, Executive President of Beyond Meat, one of the largest and most important producers of plant based protein; Sarah Toumi, Founder of Acacias for All, which has planted one million Moringa trees, bringing this highly prized superfood to countless people; Phil Lempert, the well known face on NBC TV in the US known as The Supermarket Guru; Danielle Nierenberg, Founder of the Food Tank; Nicolas Jammet, one of the Presidential Delegates invited by Michelle Obama to EXPO 2015 and co-founder of Sweetgreen, one of the most innovative fast food concepts in the world; Robert Opp, Director of Innovation & Change Management Division of the World Food Programme. These are but a few of the many speakers and influential actors that will be in attendance. 

Corporations and Startups

 This year a number of startups, companies, and incubators from all over the world will bring their products to display and will discuss how technological innovation is the keystone for defining a sustainable and accessible food universe. Some of the most interesting startups in the world of food innovation will be present such as Ambrosus Technologies GmbH, an open source blockchain ecosystem from Switzerland that guarantees quality and safety for food and pharmaceutical products; Algama, a French company that produces micro algae, one of the superfoods of the future; Desolenator, water purifier through an innovative distillation process, from the Netherlands; LeanPath, the leading global provider of integrated hardware and software solutions for culinary institutions, from the US; Beyond Meat, maker  of a revolutionary burger made of vegetable proteins that perfectly mimics meat; Apeel Sciences, a technological and environmental leader in the agricultural sector; Dishq, an Indian company which uses food science and data to understand and predict taste preference; Italian company Tannico, the largest online wine store; Taste Srl - Vinhood, another Italian startup dedicated to wine; and Robonica, producer of smart greenhouses with a fully automated home-grown hydroponics system. In total, over 100 startups and companies will be exhibiting their latest innovations. 

Seeds&Chips has always paid particular attention to the part that young people have to play in the future of food, and each session will have at least one speaker under 30 years old. In addition, each session will be opened with remarks from a Teenovator, a young person between 13 and 19 years old who is particularly engaged in food innovation and plays a leading role in the food revolution through their actions. 

This year, there will be a number of innovative formats at The Global Food Innovation Summit, such as GiveMe5! Where young innovators will have the opportunity for 5 minutes of one-to-one time with a global leader where they can present their projects, ask questions, or gain inspiration for their future. Among the leaders giving their 5 minutes this year are: Howard Schultz, John F. Kerry, Nathan Myhrvold, Kerry Kennedy, Sam Kass, and Adrian Percy, Head of Research & Development at Bayer Crop Science. 

The Summit also organizes the Big Brother Innovation Program, a format dedicated to “scouting” innovative startup projects by leading companies in the food industry. The Big Brother Innovation Program gives innovators as well as large companies the chance to meet and discuss ideas, as an important opportunity to advance CSR. 

Finally, on May 10th, the Seeds&Chips Awards will be presented to the most innovative projects present during the course of the Summit. 

A number of expert scientific advisors will also be present at the Summit to support the many startups in attendance, including representatives from the National Agency for New Technology, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), and the National Research Council (CNR

This year’s edition of the Summit is also under the patronage of the European Commission, the Ministry of Environment and Protection of Territory and Sea, Lombardy Region, the City of Milano, Ismea, and the World Food Program (WFP) Italia. WFP will also be promoting ShareTheMeal, its mobile-first fundraising app that allows users to donate a meal to a child in need with a simple tap on their smartphones. Part of the revenue from ticket sales to the Summit will be donated to support WFP’s emergency food assistance programmes in Northeast Nigeria. 

Tetra Pak is an official partner of Seeds&Chips, and as part of their participation will release a limited edition of sustainable water bottles during the Summit. The bottles, branded with key messages linked to water consumption, greener consumption, sustainability, and circular economy, with be equipped with a QR code allowing visitors to access even more information and background about the challenge of clean water. 

In an effort to promote economic relations between Italy and Germany, the Italian-German Chamber of Commerce (AHK Italien) will organize "FReSH: The 4.0 Food Economy", an event dedicated to food innovation that will take place on May 9th within Seeds&Chips - The Global Food Innovation Summit. The objective of the meeting is to give further visibility to companies that have implemented best practices in the food sector. AHK Italien will also manage an exhibition space in partnership with Seeds & Chips, dedicated to German brands looking to champion innovation in fields both within and beyond the global food sector.

Seeds&Chips, The Global Food Innovation Summit, founded by entrepreneur Marco Gualtieri, is the largest Food Innovation event in the world and a reference point for food and ag technology. The Summit is a showcase entirely dedicated to promoting innovative food solutions and talent from around the world, with an exhibition hall for innovators to present their work. Together, actors from all points in the global food chain discuss the themes and projects that are changing the way in which food is produced, transformed, distributed, consumed, and recycled. At the 3rd edition of the Global Food Innovation Summit, President Barack Obama made his first post-presidency appearance as a Keynote speaker, taking his place among 300 speakers and 240 exhibitors from around the world. In four days, the Summit recorded 15,800 visitors and 131 million social media impressions. The fourth edition of The Seeds&Chips Global Food Innovation Summit takes place at MiCo, Milano Congressi, from May 7-10, 2018. Among the speakers scheduled to appear are Former US Secretary of State John Kerry and Howard Schultz, Executive Chairman of Starbucks. 

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Conference IGrow PreOwned Conference IGrow PreOwned

Meet The Indoor AgTech Advisory Board

Meet The Indoor AgTech Advisory Board

On June 20-21, Brooklyn will host the inaugural Indoor AgTech Innovation Summit, presenting new opportunities for investment and collaboration in the fast-growing fields of vertical and indoor farming. 
Created with an Advisory Board of industry leaders, the program will explore the commercial strategies, business models and partnerships needed to scale this emerging industry, and showcase the latest innovations in automation, lighting, environmental control, and plant science.


The summit will bring together a unique mix of operators, food producers, technology developers, plant scientists, retailers, financiers and city planners to share best practice in building sustainable, profitable and healthy food systems.


There are lots of opportunities to get involved in the debate. If you have a great story to tell, a game-changing solution to showcase, or would like to share your expertise on one of our panels, please call us on +44 1273 789989 or email Senior Conference Producer, Abigail Ryder for more information.

Best wishes, 

Jennie Moss
Founder & MD, Rethink Events

The Indoor AgTech Innovation Summit will be held June 20-21 in the contemporary venue of New Lab in Brooklyn, New York. The event runs immediately after the Future Food-Tech Summit on June 19-20 at the same venue, offering delegates the opportunity to attend both summits with a joint pass. 

Hosted by:


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Copyright © 2018 Rethink Events, All rights reserve

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Food, Technology, Conference IGrow PreOwned Food, Technology, Conference IGrow PreOwned

John Kerry And Howard Schultz to Headline The 4th Edition of Seeds&Chips


John Kerry And Howard Schultz to Headline The

4th Edition of Seeds&Chips

· The Summit opens on May 7th with Howard Schultz, Starbucks Executive Chairman, one of the largest and most influential companies in the advancement of CSR.

· On May 8th, Former US Secretary of State John Kerry will discuss the impact of the food system on global affairs and sustainable policy initiatives.

Milan, 2018 Feb 22th - Former Secretary of State John Kerry and Starbucks Executive Chairman Howard Schultz have been announced as two of the Keynote speakers to appear at Seeds&Chips - The Global Food Innovation Summit, the largest food tech event in the world. The fourth edition of the Summit, the brainchild of Seeds&Chips founder Marco Gualtieri, will take place at MiCo, Milano Congressi, from 7 to 10 May 2018.

Howard Schultz, Executive Chairman of the largest coffee chain in the world, will open the Summit on May 7th. Milan holds a special place in Mr. Schultz’s career path, as it was on a visit to the city that he understood that coffee was more than a beverage, it was an experience. Schultz was convinced that the Italian experience of coffee beverages like lattes and cappuccinos, and the community that develops around this shared passion, was a valuable formula ripe for international export. He departed from Starbucks and took his enthusiasm for coffee cultures to Il Giornale, a coffee bar chain that grew into a very successful brand. It was so successful in fact, that Il Giornale purchased Starbucks in 1987, and Schultz became President and CEO of the company that first inspired him. Today, Starbucks is one of the world’s most successful companies, valued at $77 billion, with more than 21,000 stores around the world.

Former Secretary of State John Kerry drawing on his vast experience in International Affairs Kerry will address the Summit on May 8th, where he will discuss the importance of climate change to the food system and the challenges that we face in securing a sustainable future. Exploring solutions to environmental challenges has been a central theme in Kerry’s political career as well as his subsequent humanitarian work. John Kerry’s appearance on the Seeds&Chips stage follows the 2017 keynote address by President Barack Obama, who chose The Global Food Innovation Summit to deliver his first post-presidency remarks. The Global Food Innovation Summit represents an important opportunity for Secretary Kerry’s message to reach an important sector of the tech world, as food becomes an increasingly important aspect of sustainability.

Marco Gualtieri, Founder, and Chairman of Seeds&Chips, said this about the 2018 Summit: “This year’s edition of Seeds&Chips has four incredible international figures taking the stage on each of its four days. We are honored to officially announce the first two, Howard Schultz and John Kerry, who set the standard for the quality of Keynote speakers at the Summit. Last year President Obama, with his extraordinary charisma, paved the way towards uniting the goals sustainability with food, the environment, and the climate in a debate which raised the level of international discourse. Seeds&Chips is committed to continuing along this path with the knowledge that our message and the new models, innovations, and opportunities related to food must reach every corner of the planet"

John Kerry

Exploring solutions to environmental challenges has been a central theme in Kerry’s political career. In 2009, he was appointed as the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee where he assumed a key leadership role on foreign policy and national security issues facing the United States. Upon his appointment as Secretary of State under President Barack Obama in 2013, the United States made climate change and sustainability a central feature of their foreign policy portfolio. Kerry spearheaded the bilateral talks between the US and China in 2014 which resulted in a cooperation agreement between two of the most powerful nations in the world. Most notably, Kerry was instrumental in securing US participation in the 2015 Paris Agreement, a sweeping international accord to reduce carbon emissions that were signed by almost 200 countries around the world. In his work since leaving office, John Kerry has been a tireless advocate for environmental awareness and has founded a number of initiatives aimed at tackling the challenge of climate change. Kerry’s ‘Our Oceans’ Foundation has generated commitments valued at $9.24 billion and committed to protecting 9.9 million square kilometers of the world’s oceans.

Howard Schultz

Growing up in a working-class family in Canarsie, Brooklyn, Mr. Schultz experienced first hand the struggles that American families face in order to make ends meet. Coffee figured early in his career: upon graduating with a Bachelors of Science degree, Schultz worked for Hammarplast selling European coffee machines in the United States. His position led to his first encounter with The Starbucks Coffee Tea and Spice Company, a small operation founded in 1971 that sold high-quality beans to retail outlets. In 1982 he was hired as the Director of Retail Operations and Marketing for the young company, and in 1987 he became CEO of the company. Under Schultz’s stewardship, Starbucks has been an early proponent of corporate social responsibility, and its 2016 Global Social Impact Report outlined the company’s vision for the future with a particular emphasis on sustainability, greener retail, and community engagements. In May 2016, Starbucks issued a $495.6 million sustainability bond to use its influence in the coffee supply chain to improve working conditions for farmers and combat the environmental risks to coffee farms around the world.


Seeds&Chips, The Global Food Innovation Summit, founded by entrepreneur Marco Gualtieri, is the largest Food Innovation event in the world. The Summit is a showcase entirely dedicated to promoting innovative food solutions and talent from around the world, with an exhibition hall for innovators to present their work. Together, actors from all points in the global food chain discuss the themes and projects that are changing the way in which food is produced, transformed, distributed, consumed, and recycled. At the 3rd edition of the Global Food Innovation Summit, President Barack Obama made his first post-presidency appearance as a Keynote speaker, taking his place among 300 speakers and 240 exhibitors from around the world. In four days, the Summit recorded 15,800 visitors and 131 million social media impressions. The fourth edition of The Seeds&Chips Global Food Innovation Summit takes place at MiCo, Milano Congressi, from May 7-10, 2018. Among the speakers scheduled to appear are Former US Secretary of State John Kerry and Howard Schultz, Executive Chairman of Starbucks.

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Agriculture, Conference IGrow PreOwned Agriculture, Conference IGrow PreOwned

AgTech Day Cocktail Reception - March 23rd - Des Moines, Iowa

March 23, 2018

AgTech Day Cocktail Reception - March 23rd - Des Moines, Iowa

by Iowa AgriTech Accelerator



The Iowa AgriTech Accelerator will host its first-ever AgTech Day on Friday, March 23 during National Ag Week.

This event serves as an opportunity to connect early-stage AgTech companies with The Accelerator’s community of mentors and supporters during an industry-wide holiday celebrating agriculture.

The day-long event will take place at the Science Center of Iowa in Des Moines. We plan to invite a limited number of AgTech startups for one-on-one mentor meetings in the morning, a Q&A panel over lunch, and additional mentor meetings in the afternoon to conclude by 5 p.m.

Following the day’s activities, we will host a cocktail reception from 5–7 p.m. with remarks at 5:30. The reception is open to AgTech Day attendees, mentors, and investors, so please save the date and RSVP to the reception here.

You are invited to the cocktail reception at the Science Center of Iowa to network with the AgTech startups between 5-7:00 p.m. Remarks will be given at 5:30 p.m.

Parking: Park at the Science Center of Iowa parking ramp (vouchers provided) or on-street parking.

Please join us in support of National Ag Week and AgTech startups who are changing the status quo.

Things To Do In Des Moines, IA

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SKYBERRIES Conference Celebrates Two Years of Vertical Farm Institute

SKYBERRIES Conference Celebrates Two Years of Vertical Farm Institute

International conference SKYBERRIES invites urban farmers, researchers, and pioneers to Vienna, Austria, to discuss the future of agriculture from February 28 to March 2, 2018.

Visitors will be able to network on location with the attendees of the URBAN FUTURE Global Conference, which will be held during the same dates. In total, about 3,000 people are expected to convene and discuss topics surrounding food security, urban agriculture, and vertical farming.

Both conferences take place at the Messe Wien Exhibition & Congress Center, the Vienna trade fair venue, and both conferences are accessible with the SYKBERRIES ticket.

SKYBERRIES presents Dickson Despommier, author of The Vertical Farm; Saskia Sassen, sociologist and author of The Global City; Franz Fischler, President of the European Forum Alpbach; representatives of farms such in Infarms, AeroFarms, Green Sense, or Vertical Harvest; and many more speakers. In addition, the conferences will hold industry speed dating activites, a poster exhibition, and field trips.

One of the highlights of the event is the presentation of Ruthner-Towers. These Tower-Greenhouses, built in Vienna as well as many more sites in the 1960s and 1970s, were the world’s first vertical farms. SKYBERRIES highlights this innovation, presenting learnings as well as an excursion to one of the few Ruthner-Towers left.

SKYBERRIES is offering a special discount to the Food Tank community. Click here to order your standard ticket, and enter the voucher-code FOODTHINKTANK to get your ticket for 25-percent off. All tickets include full access to the URBAN FUTURE global conference.



Saskia is the Robert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology and member of The Committee on Global Thought, Columbia University. Her latest book is Expulsions: Brutality and Complexity in the Global Economy (Harvard University Press 2014) now out in 18 languages. She is the recipient of diverse awards, including multiple doctor honoris causa, the Principe de Asturias 2013 Prize in the Social Sciences, and made a Foreign Member of the Royal Academy of the Sciences of the Netherlands



Dickson is a microbiologist, ecologist, and emeritus professor of Public and Environmental Health at the Columbia University. In 2010, he published his widely received book: “The Vertical Farm: feeding the world in the 21st Century”. Well known for his podcasts, TED Talks and lectures on vertical farming, Dickson also supports the vertical farm institute as Board Member.



Have you already seen our infografics? At almost every speaker's profile you can find a graphic on one of the topics to be discussed at SKYBERRIES. 
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Nona is uniquely positioned in the Vertical Farming sphere as she is at once a practicing Architect, the Co-Founder, Owner, Designer and CEO of a cutting edge greenhouse, Vertical Harvest of Jackson Hole. This combination has cultivated expertise in both the design, implementation and operation of innovative systems and programs that position Vertical Harvest to be an impact model for communities around the  globe


Daniel is founder of the vertical farm institute and Vertical Farming expert, studied architecture. His dissertation “up!” deals with the potential of vertical farms with regard to the reduction of energy and land consumption. “up!” is considered a standard work and Dickson Despommier assesses the work as the most comprehensive research on Vertical Farming in the world so far.



Valentin is a director and producer of more than 50 television documentaries and reports on social, developmental, environmental and educational issues. His shooting and lecture tours have taken him to over 50 countries on all continents. For his films, he received a number of prizes and awards. “Taste the Waste” was a box office hit in 2011/12, and “10 Billion – What’s on your plate?” was the most successful German cinema documentary in 2015. 



Isabel is co-founder and CMO at Farmers Cut, an indoor vertical farming company based in Hamburg with the mission to build a global farm network to deliver locally produced, pesticide-free greens from farm-to-fork. Prior to Farmers Cut Isabel lived in New York working in Marketing for a Swiss skincare company. Isabel holds a B.Sc. in Business Administration from the European Business School and a M.Sc. in International Development from from New York University’s Center for Global Affairs.



Franz Fischler became widely known and much respected both domestically and internationally when he was EU commissioner. Between 1995 and 2004, the future of European agriculture was in his hands. Franz Fischler implemented his vision of modern agriculture in far-reaching reforms of European farming policies, rural development and fisheries. Since December 2015 he is president of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna, since 2012 president of the European Forum Alpbach. 



Barbara is an internationally active space architect, design researcher and educator. Barbara Imhof is the co-founder and CEO of LIQUIFER Systems Group, an interdisciplinary team comprising engineers, architects, designers and scientists. Her projects deal with spaceflight parameters such as living with limited resources, minimal and transformable spaces, resource-conserving systems; all aspects imperative to sustainability. 



David is an expert in LED-lighting with many years of experience in horticulture. Using his in-depth knowledge of photonics and semiconductor technology, he co-founded five years ago SANlight (as a company and research institute), with the purpose of developing and manufacturing LED illumination systems for commercial greenhouses, special applications and household use. SANlight won the “Born Global Champion” award in 2016. 

... and many more! You will find all our inspiring speakers on ourWebsite

We leave you with one last reminder of our SKYBERRIES conference discount: Save € 55,- by purchasing a combined ticket for SKYBERRIES and URBAN FUTURE global conference! Exclusively via our SKYBERRIES ticketshop.

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USDA, Agriculture, Conference IGrow PreOwned USDA, Agriculture, Conference IGrow PreOwned

USDA’s Agricultural Outlook Forum Extends Reduced Hotel Rates

USDA’s Agricultural Outlook Forum Extends Reduced Hotel Rates


USDA’s Agricultural Outlook Forum Extends Reduced Hotel Rates

WASHINGTON, Feb. 1, 2018 – The USDA’s Agricultural Forum has extended its discounted room block rates through Tuesday, February 6, 2018. This two-day gathering is the Department’s largest annual meeting, and will take place on Feb. 22 and 23, 2018 at the Crystal Gateway Marriott Hotel in Arlington, Va.

Now in its 94th year, this year’s forum theme is “The Roots of Prosperity.” More than 80 speakers will present at 30 sessions; the forum also offers a host of agriculture-related exhibitors. The forum offers a platform for conversation on key issues and topics among producers, processors, policymakers, government officials, and non-governmental organizations, both foreign and domestic.

Presentation highlights include:

  • U.S. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue and members of his cabinet
  • Distinguished Speaker Akinwumi Adesina, African Development Bank Group president
  • Dinner Speaker Mehmood Khan, PepsiCo vice chairman and chief scientific officer
  • “The 2018 Economic Outlook for Agriculture,” presented by USDA Chief Economist Robert Johansson
  • A plenary panel with agricultural industry leaders

Session topics include:

  • The economic impact of opioids on rural America
  • China’s evolving markets and policies
  • Restoring America’s watersheds
  • Animal disease outbreak preparedness
  • Responding to hurricane disasters
  • Right sizing regulation
  • Emerging issues in food safety
  • Outlook sessions on commodities, farm income, food prices, and organic agriculture

Learn more about the program and sessions; plenary speeches will be webcast on Feb. 22 after 6:00 p.m. EST. Register at USDA 2018 Agricultural Outlook Forum. The forum offers discounted room block rates through Tuesday, February 6, 2018.

Follow the Agricultural Outlook Forum on Twitter @USDA #AgOutlook.

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Agtech, Financing, Conference IGrow PreOwned Agtech, Financing, Conference IGrow PreOwned

You're Invited


Ag Tech Investor Conference

Des Moines, Iowa

About the Conference

Prairie Crest Capital invites you to its Agricultural Technology Investor Conference, to be held Thursday, November 9, in the lower level of Hy-Vee Hall at the Iowa Events Center in Des Moines, Iowa. The conference will highlight the opportunities, challenges and successful deployment methods in investment in emerging companies in the Ag Tech sector.

About Prairie Crest Capital

Prairie Crest Capital is a venture capital firm in Des Moines focused on early-stage investments in promising agricultural and breakthrough technology firms. Leveraging their experience and Midwest location, Prairie Crest Capital connects investors to underserved and compelling opportunities in the Ag Tech sector in order to deliver superior returns.

Agenda and speaker bios are available at

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Agriculture, Conference, Education IGrow PreOwned Agriculture, Conference, Education IGrow PreOwned

42nd Annual Acres Conference & Trade Show | 2017 Eco-Ag | Columbus, Ohio

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The Acres U.S.A. Eco-Ag Conference & Trade Show is a one-of-a-kind event for commercial-scale sustainable and organic agriculture. Well over a thousand people from around the world gather together to tap the knowledge of some of agriculture’s brightest minds. Join us for the most useful event you’ll attend all year!


Come explore new on-farm strategies and tools while engaging with the leading minds in modern eco-agriculture. This year's event will feature all-day advanced learning workshops, a trade show full of innovative ideas and products you can apply to your operation, diverse expert sessions, consultant hours, book signings, film screenings, and much more. Don't miss this valuable opportunity to expand your eco-agriculture world!

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Agri Dynamics | Bay Shore Sales, LLC | Environotics Unlimited | Midwestern BioAg | MidWest Labs | Neptune's Harvest | Organic Consumers Association | Regeneration International | Tainio | Tunnel Vision Hoops

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