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We're excited to return to our live, in-person format for the October 4-5, 2021 edition of the premier event for indoor|vertical farming and look forward to seeing all of our industry friends again!





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Forget Politics, Danny Ayalon Wants to Effect Change on The Ground

Having transitioned from politics to agriculture, Danny Ayalon shares how vertical farming, which provides fresh fruits and vegetables all year round, and lab-grown meat can rehabilitate the environment and dramatically reduce household expenditures

Having transitioned from politics to agriculture, Danny Ayalon shares how vertical farming, which provides fresh fruits and vegetables all year round, and lab-grown meat can rehabilitate the environment and dramatically reduce household expenditures.

Image from: Yehoshua Yosef

Image from: Yehoshua Yosef

The coronavirus pandemic has drawn attention to humankind's carbon footprint. More than ever before we ask ourselves, how can we become more sustainable? Can we prevent pollution? How can we minimize waste? What about lowering emission levels? Will there be enough food for everyone in the future?

Danny Ayalon, a former ambassador and foreign policy adviser to three prime ministers-turned entrepreneur,  believes that the answer to many of the world's problems lies in modern agriculture. 

Having transitioned from politics to agriculture, he works with Future Crops, an Amsterdam-based company focused on vertical farming – the practice of growing crops in vertically stacked layers that often incorporates controlled-environment agriculture, which aims to optimize plant growth – and MeaTech, a company that creates lab-grown meat.

"Ever since the coronavirus came into our lives, we realized that man is not in charge of the universe," Ayalon told Israel Hayom

"Our control over the forces of nature, of Earth, of our future is more limited than we had thought. And when we are no longer in charge of the world, only three things guarantee our lives here: food, water, and energy security. Food, water, and energy are three resources that can be depleted and therefore literally cast a cloud on our world. 

"Experts have come to a conclusion that one of the most important fields to focus on is agriculture, and indeed we are currently witnessing the most significant agricultural revolution ever since the first agricultural revolution that took place about 10,00 years ago."

Q: Back then, in the first agricultural revolution, there was a need for a lot of land. 

"But today we have technology. The name of the game is to reach maximum output with minimum input in the smallest space possible. This is the holy grail of the new revolution. And that is how technology enters the picture. To grow fruits, vegetables and spices today requires lots of space. The technology we developed at Future Crops allows us to minimize the space, increase production and redefine the food supply chain."

Q: How exactly? 

"We have a nine-story hangar in Amsterdam to grow crops like coriander, basil, dill, and parsley. It has LED lights, and each plant gets exactly the amount of light it needs. We are the plant psychologists, [we] listen to all its needs and do everything to make sure the plant grows in the most optimal way. 

Image from: Future Crops

Image from: Future Crops

"If it lacks something, it immediately receives water. Everything is done without a human's touch. We use algorithms and big data in collaboration with world-class researchers from the Weizmann Institute. It is essentially the application of vertical farming, growing various crops in vertically stacked layers,  in enclosed structures, on soil platforms. 

"For example, if it takes a month to grow lettuce in an open field, in a vertical farm, it takes two weeks, half that time. There's also a significant reduction in water consumption, and no pesticides or sprays are used at all. Also, the produce is available in all seasons; it does not depend on the temperature. Whoever likes mangos and strawberries, for example, will be able to enjoy them all year round."

Q: So if produce is grown faster and within a smaller space, is it going to cost less?

"The prices might be a bit higher today because this technology and the various infrastructures require an economic return of the initial investment in them. With time, the process will become more efficient, and the investments will be repaid, so in the end, the prices that the consumer will need to pay will be lower than today. 

"Let me give you a simple example. Do you know how much a kilogram [2.2 pounds] of basil costs in Europe today? €90 ($108). In Israel, the price is €20 ($24). In the [United Arab] Emirates, where almost everything connected to food is imported – the prices go accordingly as well. Once you have more innovative vertical farms, consumers will pay much less."

Q: Should we expect vertical farm skyscrapers to pop up all over? 

"I'm not sure that we will need skyscrapers, as with time the facilities will become smaller. Imagine that in every supermarket there will be a vertical produce stand with all the vegetables and spices, and later also fruits which you pick on the spot, without the need to move the produce from place to place. That is why vertical farming is also called urban farming, meaning there is no need for fields; you can grow [produce] on the rooftop. No resource limits you."

Q: What about the taste? 

"Ours is a fresher and tastier product. I ought to give credit to the Weizmann Institute here. The challenge for them wasn't the quality of the vitamins but the taste, and they managed to achieve a great taste. In the Netherlands, Future Crops already sells parsley, and it tastes outstanding."

Q: Regular parsley lasts for about two weeks in the fridge. What about Future Crops parsley? 

"Our parsley has a two-month shelf life, and it does not oxidize within a week or two."

Q: If every country will be self-reliant in terms of agriculture, do you think it will affect relations between countries? 

"Economies will become self-sufficient eventually, which will ensure security with far fewer conflicts. There is less and less water in the Middle East, which might someday lead to tensions. We hope technology will reduce the tensions between countries, and territory will be less critical. Our world faces crucial challenges. Food and water security have the potential to either divide or bring us together and ensure our long-term existence. 

"By the way, in every developed Western country, like the United States, Australia, and also in Europe, issues of food security, climate, and greenhouse emissions are on the top of the political agenda. We are not talking about it [in Israel,] as security and foreign affairs take the central stage, but Israel does have a lot to offer here."

Q: Do we have the potential to become the Silicon Valley of advanced agriculture? 

"Israel takes tremendous pride in its actions that help save the world. Will we become the Silicon Valley of agriculture? There is no doubt about it. We can already see foreign investors who come here to look for opportunities, including my business partner Lior Maimon, co-founder and CEO of Silver Road Capital, and Steven Levin, one of the leaders of the US food industry. Silver Road Capital is a holdings and financial advisory firm with a broad portfolio of high-tech companies, as well as agricultural and food technologies, and represents international companies and funds in investments in Israel and the world. 

"Future Crops's goal is to raise 35 million shekels on the Israeli stock exchange to invest in enlarging the existing facilities and [set up] other production lines and facilities in Europe and other continents. We cooperate with the Albert Heijn supermarket chain [in the Netherlands] and a leading food chain in France."

Q: Vertical farming is estimated at $3 billion. Google and Amazon have invested hundreds of millions in the field as well. What is their goal? 

"A simple answer would be profit. A longer answer is that they [large corporations] understand that food has the highest demand. People cannot live without food and water, and Google and Amazon understand that potential."

Q: US President Joe Biden took office with the largest team of climate experts ever. That ought to give the field momentum. 

"Green energy and vertical farming will get a considerable boost. Climate change and green energy are well-rooted in the Democratic Party's ideology. 

"It is also possible that large companies entered the agriculture fields precisely because of the Biden administration; they are worried about their future. They are afraid of a certain dismantling, so focusing on secondary fields is part of a security scenario for them."

Q: Biden also wants to address greenhouse emissions, which are the result of the food production industry, mainly meat. Are Amazon and Google's food counterparts - McDonald's and Burger King - looking for meat substitutes?

"Firstly, cultured [lab-grown] meat does not require grazing land, cows do not need to be fed, and so much land can instead be turned into forests that support the environment. This is an optimistic industry that leaves us with a better world. 

"As for the meat alternatives market, there are two major companies in the US that produce plant-based protein, Beyond Meat, and Impossible Foods. 

"Impossible's burgers are already at Burger King, McDonald's has partnered up with Beyond Meat, and last November, it announced that it would create its own plant-based burger. 

"The problem is that pea protein [used in plant-based burgers,] does not have all the amino acids that animal protein contains. Also, they need to add additives to supplement for taste and smell.

"At MeaTech, where I'm a director, we are on our way to producing animal meat, cultured meat, real stakes: we take a cow's own stem cell from which meat can be produced in almost unlimited quantities. We also use 3D digital printing technology. And we also created a thin layer of meat, carpaccio. Needless to say, no cow was harmed in the process."

Image from: MeaTech

Image from: MeaTech

Q: Why do you use 3D printers? 

"Because there is no need for a human being's involvement. It is relevant now during the coronavirus pandemic when the food supply chain is disrupted. With such printers, your production can continue without delays, whenever you want. 

Also, it is theoretically possible to provide food for space flights. Astronauts who go out into space will not have to take food with them; rather, they will be able to produce it on the spot.

"People understand that crises like the coronavirus can disrupt the supply chain and are looking for alternatives. A 3D printer allows restaurants, supermarkets, and butcher shops to have meat without relying on the supply chain."

Q: The death rate from obesity is higher than the death rate from hunger. How will cultured meat affect these statistics? 

"It is possible to create meat with much less fat and more protein in each portion and add various nutrients in the future to strengthen the immune system and prevent disease. This, of course, requires a lot of research and approvals. Just like there's talk about customized medicine, so it will be possible to produce food that suits a person's genetic structure and body in the most optimal way."

Q: Will the cost of this meat also be optimal? 

"They will cost more in the beginning compared to regular meat because there are initial costs that have to be repaid. When it becomes a mass production, prices will drop over time."

Q: With your vast experience in politics, what do you think of Israeli politics these days? Do you ever consider a political comeback? 

"No election campaign goes by without someone making me an offer [to return to politics] but I'm not interested. Unfortunately, the Israeli government, and all governments in the Western world, have not been able to run their countries properly in recent years.

"For example, more of the government's national taks are transitioning to the private market or the third sector. We see that associations [are the ones] who take care of the needy, establish settlements in the Negev and in the Galilee, bring immigrants to Israel and provide Israelis with information. All these things should be done by the government.

"The Israeli government lacks vision, ideologies, every matter is personal and is charged with negative sentiments. If I do return one day, it will only happen after we change the government system which will take its power from small [political] parties.

"In my opinion, we need to transition to a regional choice, by district. This will result in higher quality politicians. How so? Because whoever wants to be elected will need to run and convince the people who live in his area and district, and they are the ones who know his activities best. Also, closed primaries should be avoided because they make all kinds of deals possible. That needs to change."

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Greenhouse, Forum & Exhibition, Event IGrow PreOwned Greenhouse, Forum & Exhibition, Event IGrow PreOwned

The Registration For The 4th Annual International Investment Greenhouse Complexes Russia And The CIS Forum 2019 Closes In A Week.

The event will be held on 4-5 December, at Baltschug Kempinski Hotel Moscow. Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of the flagship event in greenhouse farming industry of Russia and the CIS!

Register now

Greenhouse Complexes Russia and the CIS 2019 in facts and figures:

  • The Forum is supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation; Industry Partner: the Association “Greenhouses of Russia”.

  • 500+ confirmed participants, senior executives of major commercial greenhouses, agricultural holdings and farms from Russia and the CIS, among them: Eco-Culture, Agro Management, Greenhouse Complex Lipetsk Agro, Greenhouse, Agro-Invest, Agricultural Complex Gorkovskiy, Agricultural Complex Ivanisovo, Agricultural Complex Yuzhny, Belaya Dacha Trading, IGS Agro, Agricultural Complex Rodina, Vyborgec, Greenhouses of Belogorie, Agricultural Complex Churilovo, Chekhov Garden, Flowers of Udmurtia, Yug-Agro, YugAgroholding, Ryazan Vegetables, Seim-Agro, Ozelenenie, Prompark, Penzenskiy Greenhouse Complex, Agrocomplex, Agricultural Complex Volzhskiy, Agricultural Complex Doskino, Teplichnoe (the Republic of Mordovia), Teplichnoe (Tambov), Teplichnoe (Ulyanovsk), Teplichny (Blagoveshchensk), Greenhouse Complex Andropovskiy, Greenhouse Complex Zavyalovskiy, Greenhouse Complex Podosiniki, Greenhouse Complex AgroPark, Greenhouse Complex of Belogorie, Greenhouse Complex Aleksandrovskiy, Greenhouse Complex Belorechenskiy, and a lot more

  • 50+ top managers of commercial greenhouses from the CIS countries: Kazakhstan, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Moldavia: AGRO TRADE, FOOD EXPORT SHAMKIR, GreenEco, GREEN-FOOD-EXPORT, Grow Group Azerbaijan, MONTANA GARDEN, AGROFIRM KUILIK, Andruserra Agro, Arokhch Sunk, Butarustrade, Green Tech, Green Farmer, Green Food, Grodno Vegetable Factory, DORORS, JASMINA-AZIZBEK, Maria Dairy Farm, Yagodka Farm, IFTIKHARI, Pavlodar Greenhouse complex, Semirechye Nursery, Raisagroholding, Rock Berry, Spaika, Greenhouse Complex Green Line, Greenhouse Complex Berestie, XO Yigit, and a many others

  • 80+ speakers, discussion participants and honoured guests: Aleksey Sitnikov, President, the Association “Greenhouses of Russia”, Aleksandr Rudakov, President, Eco-Culture; Dmitry Lashin, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Lipetskagro; Vladimir Chernyshov, General Director, Agrokultura Group; Aleksandr Solodaev, General Director, Agricultural Complex Gorkovskiy; Guriy Shilov, General Director, Greenhouse; Pavel Dyakov, Chairman of the Board, Agricultural Complex Rodina; Sergey Yastreb, General Director, Yagodnaya Polyana; Andrey Lepekhin, General Director, Chekhov Garden; Aleksandr Khrenov, General Director, Russian Mushroom Journal; Andrey Fatuev, Commercial Director, Agricultural Complex Ivanisovo, and a lot more

  • AGRONOMY DAY – specialized workshops on tomato, cucumber and salad farming. Modern ways to boost yield and plant resistance to pest and diseases, efficient application of LED lighting, new growth technologies

  • AWARD CEREMONY OF THE GREENHOUSE INDUSTRY LEADERS & GALA DINNER – great opportunity to establish new business relations and strengthen the existing connections in an informal setting

  • Gold Sponsors: Signify, Sananbio; Silver Sponsors: Green Automation Export, SVETOGOR; Bronze Sponsors: Royal Brinkman, Rijk Zwaan, Megaphoton; Video Sponsor: Richel Group

  • Specialised exhibition of high-end equipment and technologies from major companies: 2Grow, 3М Russia, AB Energy Rus, AgroSustain SA, ALMECO S.p.A., Bato Plastics, Ceilan Coir Products, COCOGREEN GROUP, Coinsa, Fluence Bioengineering, FPHU MARYNIACZYK, GAUTIER Semences, Grodan, Horti XS BV, Hortilux Schreder, Ludvig Svensson, Lycopersicon cvba, Meteor Systems, Mprise Agriware, MWM RUS, Paskal Greenhouse Solutions, Pylot, Shenzhen Number Energy Saving Corporation, URBINATI, Agrisovgaz, AGRITECHNO FERTILIZANTES, Agrosencenter, Agrosoil, Trade, I-Plast, Astron Buildings, BOSCH REXROTH, Walzmatic, Viessmann, Koppert Russia, LUMEX M, MASSA-K, FITO GROUP, Reflux, Greenhouse Systems, TehnoStroy Agro, Ulma Packaging, Formos TK, ELEKS+, EMIS, and others.

Register now

Organised by: Vostock Capital

Elvira Sakhabutdinova,
Project Producer

Tel:     +44 207 394 30 90 (London)
Email: ESakhabutdinova@vostockcapital.com

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Greenhouse, Forum & Exhibition IGrow PreOwned Greenhouse, Forum & Exhibition IGrow PreOwned

On The 5th & 6th of December, The Third Annual International Investment Forum Greenhouse Complexes Russia 2018 Was Held With Great Success

On the 5th & 6th of December, the Third Annual International Investment Forum Greenhouse Complexes Russia 2018 was held with great success, drawing participation from over 700 leaders and executives of agricultural holdings, greenhouse complexes, initiators of investment projects, investors, trading networks, government representatives, producers and installers of equipment and related services for the greenhouse industry.

The event hosted delegates from 20 countries. Throughout the course of the forum, over 500 meetings were conducted.


First Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Dzhambulat Khatuov spoke at a plenary session of the Forum, noting that thanks to effective support on the part of the Russian government, a consistently fast pace of construction in new, high-tech greenhouse complexes has been achieved: We observe a stable rise in investment volume in the industry, alongside a stable and positive dynamic in production volumes that began already several years ago. New projects are regularly launched to full production capacity, and with each year we increase gross harvests of fresh vegetables. Total harvests of closed-field vegetables from domestic agricultural organisations exceeded 920 000 tonnes last year, and this year, forecasts predict a result above 1 million tonnes – both successive records for the industry. Thanks to recent successes in greenhouse vegetable cultivation, the level at which domestic market demands are met by domestic greenhouse production has now risen to 57% versus 40% in 2015. Khatuov further asserted that the chosen dynamic and realisation of government support measures should continue to provide significant results in the industry for the future – it is therefore important to develop not only the domestic market, but also to consider the possibility of future export growth in connection with future goals and tasks to be established by the President.

The second day of the Forum was divided into three streams – the Conference; Focus Day: Storage, Processing, Logistics; Agronomists’ Day.

During the Conference stream sessions, banks alongside forum guests discussed questions of preferred credit financing, and project financial management. A separate session was dedicated to energy-efficiency at greenhouse complexes, in which Agrocomplex Churilovo offered a range of practical experience. The session on production planning and sales strategies featured experts’ experiences with plant varieties, the broader panel of available varieties, assessment of sales markets, marketing, and innovations in sorting and packaging. Dinko Gadzhev, Commercial Director, Fruit and Vegetables at O’KEI discussed strategies for collaboration among trading networks and greenhouse operators. Driss Dehbi, Managing Director, Suhool Arabia Investment, invited producers of fruit and vegetables to collaborate on exports to the UAE.

The conference concluded with a round table led by Galina Lishinaya, Acting Provost for Academic and Scientific Work, Russian Academy for Agricomplex Personnel, who led the institution’s educators along with business representatives in a discussion of the most pertinent questions relevant to providing greenhouse enterprises with qualified personnel.

Leading experts during Agronomists’ Day were Marite Gailite, Latvia and Jenny Harris and Joe Schwartz, USA, who held professional master classes on contemporary approaches to growing tomatoes, cucumbers, and salad greens. 

Focus Day was used to address questions of storage, reprocessing, and realisation of agricultural production. Leading industry figures took part in special parallel sessions: executives of major agricultural parks, wholesale distribution and logistics centres, agricultural holdings and other agricultural enterprises, initiators of investment projects, experts in agricultural logistics – RosAgroMarket Holding, Agroproduction Park Kazan, Agroproduction Park Samara, ORC Magistral, UK Grando, Nord-Ovosh, PRODO, Businovsky MPK, Razdolye, Agrocomplex Eseninsky, YugOvoshSbyt, Yugagroholding, FOOD CITY, AGROCITY, Victoria Estate, Romex Group and many others. A special stream was also visited by over 90 companies involved in investment projects in the industry: construction of vegetable and fruit storage facilities, grain storage and elevators, and wholesale distribution centers.

During the specialised exhibition, innovative developments were presented by major producers of equipment and technologies in Russia, the CIS, Europe, and Africa.

Forum Sponsors:

Gold Sponsor: Grodan;

Silver Sponsors: Signify, SVETOGOR, Green Automation Group, BLV, C-LED;

Bronze Sponsors: Royal Brinkman, AWETA, Lider-Pak, Mir Stekla, Rijk Zwaan;

Video Sponsors: Richel Group, 3DSmartGarden, OHK «URALCHEM»;

Evening guests were also offered an outstanding opportunity to make new acquaintances and strengthen existing business connections in an informal setting at the gala dinner, which also included a formal awards ceremony to recognise leaders of the Russian greenhouse agriculture industry for 2018.

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Welcome To The Future of Farming In Australia

Just Days To Go Before The Start of Australia’s Largest Ever Agricultural Innovation Trade Fair

Australia’s largest ever agricultural innovation trade fair, GFIA In Focus Australia is set to kick off in Brisbane next Tuesday – and with some of the country’s top food producers in attendance, it’s a prime opportunity for farmers, growers and agribusinesses to learn more about the latest innovations in agriculture.

Part of a global series of exhibition and conferences driving sustainable food production and innovation, GFIA In Focus Australia takes place at Brisbane’s Convention & Exhibition Center from 27-28 November. Leading producers Mort & Co National Feedlot, Mighty Green and Sundrop Farms are just some of the featured guests, and for Cy Kovacich, owner/manager of Mighty Green, the event is a chance to share his experiences diversifying his sugarcane operation:

“The sugar cane industry is traditionally a monoculture ­– but with margins closing up through soil stress and other issues, my focus is on optimising soil health and finding production gains and economic savings through diversification, by growing other crops like rice, beans and soy. I’m honored to be involved, and to have the chance to hopefully inspire others through discussing my own experiences.”

Amongst the many innovative exhibitors showcasing the latest game-changing innovations and technology is Ceres Tag, who have announced they will be doing a live demonstration at the event, in what will be a world first for the GFIA. In the days leading up to the event, Ceres Tags will be tagging over 100 cattle in Townsville with their Smart Ear Tags, before live streaming their location, health and behaviour 1,000 kms away at the conference.

Guest speaker at the opening ceremony on the 27th November will be The Honourable Mark Furner MP, Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries, Queensland. Mark describes the event as “a brilliant opportunity for farmers, growers and agribusinesses across the country to understand more about some of the latest innovations that can better support Australia’s agricultural industry.”

Tim Gentle, Founder, Digital Crusader and Educator of Think Digital will be the second guest speaker at the opening ceremony. He’ll be talking about the some of the immersive new technologies available for agriculture, including the most exciting advancement to date in the world of Virtual Reality – a VR Platform for Agriculture. “If you thought Virtual Reality is just for gamers, and Augmented Reality is to catch Pokemon Go’s, then think again,” he says. “In agriculture, immersive technologies will increase productivity, improve safety, enhance training and help you to communicate more effectively than ever before, and I’m excited to be able to unveil the details of this new technology at the conference.”

For Sales Director at One CMG Group David Stradling, the company behind GFIA In Focus Australia, the event looks set to be a game-changer for those involved. “We anticipate that this event will deliver huge business opportunities for ag-tech suppliers in markets expected to experience significant growth over the next few years,” he says.

The GFIA are giving away 2,000 free tickets – but with only a small number left, farmers and agribusinesses are encouraged not to miss out on the chance to attend this unique mix of exhibitions, conferences, innovation sessions and educational workshops.

To register your place at GFIA In Focus Australia before it begins, visit www.gfiaaustralia.com

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Protected Cropping Heralded As The Ideal System To Help Supercharge Australian Agriculture

‘Sustainable growth’ is the key phrase underpinning the Australian Government’s plans to make the nation’s agricultural industry a $100 billion industry by 2030. Yet with widespread and continued drought conditions challenging these ambitious plans, growers are looking to new solutions to ensure more consistent crops and higher yields – and protected cropping is one increasingly attractive proposition.
There’s no doubt that indoor and controlled environments, speed breeding and hydroponic systems are currently driving food production like never before. The Protected Cropping Industry is the fastest growing food producing sector in Australia, valued at around $1.8 billion per annum. As Vertical Farming Systems Executive Director John Leslie explains, that’s no surprise. “Australian agriculture currently has a return on investment of about 3-5%, and that’s not sufficient to attract investment into the sector,” he says. “Vertical farming removes much of the labour cost, which is the most expensive component of farming, so the ROI can be increased to 20% and upwards – and then agriculture does become an attractive investment proposition.”
With a $3.9 billion fund recently set up to support water infrastructure and drought-related projects, protected cropping has never been more relevant. Controlled environment farming protects the industry from unfavourable weather conditions like drought, contributing to more consistent crops and higher yields. John sees vertical farming as the ideal solution for some parts of the industry, because the process is impervious to climate, and the dehumidification process generates a massive amount of water. “We’re actually producing water out of the air, and that makes vertical farming highly viable, even in places as arid as the Sahara desert. While vertical farming isn’t a fix-all for every drought situation, it’s another tool we can use to combat the effects ­– and it will certainly support some parts of the food supply chain and help address things like drought.”
Current advancements in the technology mean that protected cropping will soon be applicable on a broader scale. John explains how his company is developing systems that will soon be able to produce animal feed and proteins. “It’s based on the same technology we’re right now using for vegetables, and over time that will begin to address the problem on a wider scale,” he says.
Hydroponics is another production sector currently experiencing rapid growth – and as hydroponic grower and consultant Brian Ellis explains, it’s highly efficient in its use of inputs including water, fertilisers, labour, land and energy. “It’s possible to produce 5-10 times as much per hectare using hydroponic systems compared to growing in soil. There’s no doubt that adverse weather is impacting everyone as the climate continues to change ­– but with hydroponics you have much more control over your environment. Essentially there’s much more predictability, and less effect from extreme weather.”
Brian explains how hydroponic systems use only minimal water, which contributes further to their viability. “We often only use as little as 5% of the water for re-circulated hydroponic crops, compared to growing the same crop out in the field. That gap may have closed a little with the introduction of new technologies, but it’s still nowhere close to that figure. As drought continues to affect growers, there’s no doubt that hydroponics will become even more important, and more relevant to the success of the industry.”
In the face of food security and global climatic variability concerns, safe, sustainable protected cropping in the form of vertical farming, hydroponics and speed breeding could well be the way of the future. With protected-crop growers at the forefront of highly sustainable, efficient and innovative food production processes, protected cropping will increasingly help to secure a profitable and more sustainable future for Australian agriculture.
The Global Forum for Innovations in Agriculture (GFIA) will present the latest innovations and technologies for the controlled environment and protected cropping sector at Australia’s largest agricultural innovation event, GFIA in Focus, in Brisbane on November 27-28. John and Brian will join a host of guest speakers discussing everything from vertical farms and greenhouses to hydroponic and aquaponic systems and much more.

To register for a free entry badge or to find out more, visit www.gfiaaustralia.com

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Greenhouse, Forum & Exhibition IGrow PreOwned Greenhouse, Forum & Exhibition IGrow PreOwned

Prestigious Professional Platform For Decision-Makers of CIS And Russian Greenhouse Industry

We are very pleased to announce that the “Greenhouse Complexes of Russia” has already attracted confirmed attendance from over 700 leaders of the greenhouse industry. But, as the number of places in Moscow’s Baltchug Kempinsky hotel is limited, registration for participation will now close before the previously established date. If you still hope to join us – to present your products, technologies, or services, we ask that you let us know now. Two remaining booth spaces will be made available to the participants who respond first.
Gold Sponsor: Grodan. Silver Sponsor: Signify, Svetogor, Green Automation Group. Bronze Sponsors: Royal Brinkman, Rijk Zwaan, Mir Stekla, AWETA, Lider-Pak. Video Promotion Sponsors: Uralchem, RICHEL Group, AHPS.
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Among the honoured guests and presenters of 2018:

  • Aleksandr Rudakov, President, APH ECO-Culture

  • Sergey Rukin, President, Greenhouse Growth Technologies

  • Dmitry Lashin, Chairman of the Council of Directors, TK Lipetskagro

  • Nurbek Adaev, Director, TK YugAgroHolding

  • David Bondarenko, Director, CHINAR

  • Viktor Ovchinnikov, Executive Director, Greenhouse Complex Podosinki

  • Sergei Kirillov, General Director, Greenhouse Plant Tatarinovo (STK) and many others.

Register Now
I will be very pleased to respond to all possible questions and receive your comments.

Elvira Sakhabutdinova
Project Director​

Tel:     +44 207 394 3 090
Fax:    +44 207 231 1600
Email: ESakhabutdinova@vostockcapital.com
Web:  http://www.greenhousesforum.com/en/

Investment Projects For The Construction and Modernization of Greenhouse Complexes Will Be Presented at the 3rd Annual Forum and Exhibition

“Greenhouse Complexes Russia 2018”

Date: 5-6 December 2018 

Venue: Moscow, Baltschug Kempinski Hotel 

Organiser: Vostock Capital

Website: https://www.greenhousesforum.com/ 

The 3rd annual international Forum and Exhibition “Greenhouse Complexes Russia 2018” is the high-level professional platform to unlock investment in Russian greenhouse industry, discuss development strategies, share experiences, and conclude new lucrative contracts. 

The Forum gathers investors from the CIS, Europe, and Asia, initiators of greenhouse investment projects from all Russian regions, decision-makers of federal and regional agro holdings, dedicated ministries and agencies, heads of regions, retail chain executives, service providers, presidents of national unions and associations. 

Among Forum attendees 2017: 

  • Alexander Tkachev, Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation

  • Jambulat Khatuov, First Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation

  • Sergey Dankvert, Head of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Control

  • Vladimir Vladimirov, Governor of the Stavropol Territory

  • Sergey Korolev, President, National Union of Fruit and Vegetable Producers

  • Sergey Rukin, General Director, Greenhouse Growth Technology

  • Viktor Semenov, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Belaya Dacha

  • Alexander Rudakov, Chairman of the Board of Directors, APH Eco-culture

  • Alexander Zaklyepkin, General Director, Vyborgec Agrofirm

  • Irina Meshkova, General Director, Agro-Inwest

  • Nurlan Adilkhan, Director, BRB APK

  • Anatoly Tarasov, General Director, Teplitsy Belogoria

  • Andrey Volkov, General Director, Udmurt Flowers and many others.

Greenhouse Complexes Russia 2017 in facts and figures:

  • 500+ participants representing flagship greenhouse complexes and agro holdings from Russia and the CIS – Greenhouse Growth Technology, Udmurt Flowers, YugAgroholding, TK Rodina, Ivanisovo Agrocomplex, Teplitsy Belogoria, Yuzhny Agrokombinat, BRB APK, Agrokultura Group, Teplichny Agrokombinat, Volzhsky Agrocomplex, Grodnenskaya Ovoschnaya Fabrika, Kaskad Mushroom Complex, Iftikhari, ECOS, RoseHill, Chekhov Garden, EcoProduct and many others.

  • 60+ major investment projects – Alania Greenhouses, Avasyuninsky, Prompark, Master-R, Agrocluster, and a lot more

  • 20+ presentations with key information delivered by the heads of such companies as Vyborgec Agrofirm, APH Eco-culture, Dolina Solntsa, Demetra Technology, NPO BioGreen, LipetskAgro, Agro-Inwest and others

  • Delegations of the government and development corporations – Stavropol territory, Ulyanovsk region, Irkutsk region, Tyumen region, Kaliningrad region, Voronezh region, Oryol region, Moscow region, Bashkortostan Republic, Karachay-Cherkessia Republic, Tambov region and other regions across Russia

Forum Highlights 2018:

  • 500+ decision-makers of flagship greenhouse complexes and agro holdings from Russia and the CIS – Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, as well as investors, government officials, chief agronomists, retail chain executives, service providers

  • Presentation of 30+ greenhouse investment projects to be executed within 2019-2025 from across Russia and CIS countries

  • Leaders debate: Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, investors, initiators, agri holdings. How will the Russian greenhouse industry evolve beyond 2020?

  • NEW! AGRONOMY DAY – specialized workshops on growing tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce. Modern techniques of working with hybrids, effective use of LED-lighting and hydroponics

  • STRATEGIC FOCUS: ASSORTMENT POLICY – diversification and new business areas. What niches are the most promising in the greenhouse industry?

  • Dedicated exhibition of modern equipment and technologies delivered by the lead companies from Holland, Israel, Germany, Italy, Spain, and other countries

  • IMPORTANT: FINANCING. Cooperation with investors and banks, project financing. How to get best credit conditions?

  • ROUNDTABLE ON MUSHROOM FARMING AND FLORICULTURE – explore peers’ practices and learn about industry development prospects

  • FOCUS-SESSION: ENERGY-SAVING – connection to the electricity network, on-site generation, distributed power. What tariffs are to be expected in 2019?

  • Fast and effcient! Roadshow of innovative technologies and equipment from the global leaders


Contact: Elvira Sakhabutdinova, Project Director

ESakhabutdinova@vostockcapital.com Tel. +7 499 505 1 505

Website: http://www.greenhousesforum.com/ 


 440+ decision-makers of major greenhouse complexes, agriholdings, investment projects, regulators, and lead service and equipment providers have already confirmed their participation and will present their projects at the 3rd International Investment Forum “Greenhouse Complexes Russia 2018” (5-6 December, Moscow).
Gold sponsor: Grodan. Silver sponsors: Signify, Svetogor, GREEN AUTOMATION EXPORT. Bronze sponsors: Royal Brinkman, Rijk Zwaan, AWETA, Lider-Pak. Sponsor of video-promotion: Uralchem.

Request the full list of confirmed participants

Speakers and VIP-guests 2018 include:

  • Alexander Rudakov, President, APH Eco-culture

  • Irina Meshkova, General Director, TK AgroInwest

  • Gury Shilov, General Director, Greenhouse

  • Nurlan Adilkhan, General Director, BRB APK (Kazakhstan)

  • Yanis Galanidi, General Director, Dolina Solntsa

  • David Bondarenko, Director, CHINAR

  • Valery Astapchik, Director, Grodno Vegetable Factory (Belarus)

  • Alexey Soshnikov, General Director, Ecoresurs

  • Jamal Majidov, Greenhouse Director, Grow Group Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan) and many other leaders of greenhouse industry in Russia and the CIS.

Request the full list of confirmed participants

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Leading Agribusiness Groups Throw Their Weight Behind Australia’s Largest Ever Agricultural Innovation Trade Fair

GFIA in Focus Australia is fast becoming a much-anticipated event within the agricultural community – and with some of Australia’s leading trade bodies recently announcing their commitment to the upcoming exhibition, it’s set to be one of Australia’s most exciting business-to-end-user sector trade fairs in the 2018 calendar.


Nine of Australia’s key agribusiness member organisations have now pledged their support for the show, a satellite edition of a series of fairs that run internationally, driving sustainable food production and innovation. Promoting it as a great opportunity for agri-food professionals to freely attend the exhibitions and adjoining conferences, the organisations include Agribusiness Australia, Queensland Farmers’ Federation, AgForce Queensland, Irrigation Australia, Growcom, Passionfruit Australia, Queensland Olive Council, Society of Precision Agriculture Australia and Northern Territories Farmers Association.

Tim Burrow, CEO at Agribusiness Australia welcomed the collaboration:

“Our mantra is to advocate, to be inclusive and to spread knowledge, with the sole aim of advancing agri-business for the national good. A stronger agri-business sector benefits not only our communities, but also our nation’s financial and cultural wealth, and this event will no doubt be invaluable in creating new business opportunities, advancing knowledge and supporting greater collaboration.”

For Travis Tobin, CEO at Queensland Farmers’ Federation, the upcoming fair aligns with QFF’s key strategies. “In representing the interests of peak state and national agriculture industry organisations, we engage in a broad range of economic, social, environmental and regional issues of strategic importance to the productivity, sustainability and growth of the agricultural sector. With our mission being to secure a strong and sustainable future for Queensland farmers, GFIA In Focus is  a great opportunity to learn more about developing sustainable farming for the future.”

The Australian edition takes place at Brisbane’s Convention & Exhibition Centre from 27-28 November 2018, and organisations like these, which represent tens of thousands of corporate agri-businesses, farmers and growers across the country will now be involved – a move which it’s anticipated will greatly extend the exhibition’s reach and influence.

With the world’s population expected to increase from seven billion to almost nine billion by 2040, the Global Forum for Innovations in Agriculture (GFIA) was born with the belief that continuous innovation in agriculture is the only way to sustainably feed us all.

To support the Australian Government’s ambition to increase our agricultural output to a $100 billion industry by 2030, the Queensland Government is committed to growing agriculture as one of the ‘four pillars’ of the state’s economy. However, as David Stradling, Sales Director of One CMG Group, the company behind GFIA In Focus Australia explained, government’s efforts alone will not achieve the target:

“Unlocking agriculture’s growth potential requires a collaborative effort from all levels of government, industry, researchers and vested interest communities. In the face of continued drought and calls to raise productivity, farmers, growers and agribusinesses will increasingly need to implement more sustainable technologies.”

“We see GFIA In Focus Australia as a prime opportunity for farmers, growers and agribusinesses across the country to learn more about the latest innovations in agriculture,” he continued. “We’re pleased to have nine of the country’s most influential agri-business member organisations on board for this unique event.”

David described the exhibition as the beginning of a progressive long-term strategy to create opportunities that strengthen and support Australia’s agricultural industry. “We anticipate this event will deliver huge business opportunities for ag-tech suppliers in markets expected to experience significant growth over the next few years,” he said.

The two-day show features two world-class showcases of leading-edge technology in precision and smart farming on one side of the Convention Centre’s Grand Hall, and on the other, an exhibition of suppliers in technology for controlled environment and protected cropping. The events are supported by their own dedicated conference and side-event programs, and visitors will have access across the entire event.

GFIA are giving away 2,000 free tickets for November’s In Focus exhibition to food producers, policy makers and investors. Visit www.gfiaaustralia.com to register your attendance, or for further information about exhibiting at GFIA In Focus Australia.

Event details:

GFIA In Focus Australia
27 November 2018: 09.00 – 18.00
28 November 2018: 09.00 – 16.00
Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre

About GFIA

The Global Forum for Innovations in Agriculture has emerged as a global authority on sustainable food production, driving innovation through exhibitions and conferences across the globe. GFIA exhibitions have welcomed more than 25,000 visitors, and worked with over 50 international partners to showcase innovative products with a proven benefit to the agricultural industry. Their conferences offer stakeholders pioneering forums and marketplaces to foster meaningful dialogue, collaboration, recognition and action between regional food producers, buyers, innovators, policy makers and investors.


Tim Burrow, Agribusiness Australia

Peter Smith, AgForce QLD with David Stradling, One CMG Group

Peter Smith, AgForce QLD with David Stradling, One CMG Group

Travis Tobin, Queensland Farmers' Federation

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Australia: Sustainable Agriculture In The Spotlight At GFIA In Focus

The Global Forum for Innovations in Agriculture (GFIA)

Will Take Place On November 27-28 In Brisbane

The Australian government is pushing for agriculture to become a $100 billion industry by 2030 – and with the Queensland Government aiming to double the state’s food production by 2040, the leading authority on sustainable food production and agriculture is hosting an event in Brisbane designed to showcase sustainable growing practices and new agricultural technologies.

The Global Forum for Innovations in Agriculture (GFIA) In Focus Australia event will take place on November 27-28.

Exhibiting the latest sustainable ag-tech innovations and technology from suppliers across all types of food production, it’s set to be Australia’s largest ever agricultural innovation trade fair.

The event will place a particular focus on ‘growing sustainably’ and ‘unlocking new technology’, with more than 2000 delegates expected to attend from across the Asia Pacific. Featuring two adjacent exhibitions, the first will present Controlled Environments & Protected Cropping, and the second will focus on Precision Agriculture and Smart Farming products. Within ‘Controlled Environments’, exhibitors will promote the latest greenhouses, system integrators, control systems and hydroponic, aquaponic and aeroponic systems – and the ‘Precision Agriculture’ sector will cover everything from data analytics and modeling to harvesting and irrigation equipment, seeding and planting equipment and GPS systems.

A high-level conference programme will also run during the event – and for David Stradling, Sales Director of One CMG Group, the company behind GFIA In Focus, the event is “a rare opportunity to learn from agriculture food producers, policy makers and investors about the latest innovations and technologies for smart food production.”

Among the confirmed exhibitors will be multi-level indoor growing company Vertical Farm Systems, who will showcase their fully automated technology for growing commercial crops all year round, in any climate or location. Executive Director & Design Engineer John Leslie described the new system as the next generation of indoor growing solutions built for profitability more than spectacle.

“Over the past 9 years we have refined the system automation to achieve the best return on investment yields we have seen in the sector. Of the 28 system sizes we supply, our smallest uses only 500 square metres of floor area, yet the 20 tons annual harvest rate is the same as 8 acres of prime agricultural land. The bioponic live microbe based growing system delivers a major reduction in water use, with zero chemicals, pest issues or crop losses, and it can be installed in very close proximity to the end user – all of which is fantastic for sustainable farming.”

One CMG Group Sales Director David Stradling described the significance of the event for Australian agriculture.

“GFIA In Focus is intended to help Australian agri-businesses share knowledge, so we can continue to develop sustainable farming into the future. There are some incredibly innovative technologies and practices out there, and we’re excited to host what’s going to be an inspiring and highly informative event for attendees.”

For more information:

Publication date : 9/20/2018 

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